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4 Tips to Help You Breastfeed After A C-Section

You can be as researched as you like on the subject, but you just never know how it will go until you are in the moment. Therefore, I would love to offer some advice and recommend some products that could ease your breastfeeding experience after a C-section—and after a natural birth as well, because let’s face it, for a majority of us women, breastfeeding is far from easy.

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5 Tips to Keep Your Baby Warm at Night During the Cold Winter Nights

Tips and products to help your baby sleep safely aLuckily, I had Lennox in the summer, so by the time the cold weather came, he had already backed on a couple of layers of baby chub to help keep him warm during the bone-chilling winter months.

Luckily, I had Lennox in the summer, so by the time the cold weather came, he had already backed on a couple of layers of baby chub to help keep him warm during the bone-chilling winter months.

Regardless, I still practiced safe sleeping practices. Experts say that until a baby’s first year of life, “soft objects, loose bedding, or any objects that can increase the risk of entrapment, suffocation, or strangulation” should be kept out of the baby’s sleep area.

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