In this post, you can find a variety of Christmas activities for preschoolers, from sensory activities to printable Christmas activities!
Lennox and I just put our Christmas tree up today!
Now that he is four, he understands and gets so excited for Christmas.
His excitement makes me so happy! So much so that I am already on the hunt for Christmas activities to do with him this winter!
We have a month and a half before Christmas, so let’s go!
In pursuit of Christmas activities to do with Lennox, I have asked some awesome parenting bloggers to share some of their BEST Christmas activities for preschoolers with me. If you’re interested, I want to share them with you today!
You will find three section of Christmas Activities for Preschoolers: Sensory activities, fine motor activities and printable Christmas activities!
Maybe you can fit in one activity for the 25 days of December! How fun would that be?
Check these activities out and make sure to tell me which Christmas activities your preschooler enjoyed most in the comments at the end of this post!

Sensory Christmas Activities for Preschoolers

- Use colored salt to build a Christmas tree or to play with. This activity will entertain your child for hours as they feel and see the different colors of salt. If they put their hands to their mouth, they will get some tasty sensory play too! Ha!
- If you are a peppermint lover try this sensory peppermint Christmas slime. You can also find many ways to use this slime over the course of the holidays!

- Looking to keep the kiddos entertained for a while? Try this Peppermint Cloud Dough. This dough not only smells good, but it is also safe to taste and uses ingredients you can find at home!
- Try out this no-cook peppermint-scented Candy Cane Playdough that takes less than 10 minutes to prepare!
- Continuing with the peppermint theme, let’s do some peppermint STEM with this Peppermint Oobleck recipe.
- For a fun pre-writing activity, try out this Peppermint Sensory Salt Writing Tray where they can practice drawing lines or writing their letters!

- Not a fan of peppermint, no worries, here is a Gingerbread Cloud Dough sensory activity you can try!
- Here is a sweet and spicy Christmas Pudding Playdough that smells amazing and is super quick to throw together!
- I have done sensory bins and sensory boxes before, but never have I done a sensory bag! This Christmas Reindeer Sensory Bag made using gel is a great activity to keep your little entertained for hours!
- This Hot Chocolate Sensory bin is a must. Who doesn’t love hot chocolate? It is made out of an easy-to-make oobleck recipe! I know my preschooler will love this delightful sensory activity!
- Here is another fun Snow Sensory Bin to keep your child engaged and learn about winter!
- Yet another fun Festive Sensory Tub fill will all of the holiday fun for your child to manipulate and explore!
Related: Winter Bucket List for Toddlers
- Do your kiddos love playing with shaving cream? Then they will love this Marbled Christmas Card Activity where they can have some sensory play, all while making a Christmas card for their loved ones.
- Have you made a sensory bottle yet? If not, they are great for younger toddlers to play with, and for older toddlers to make!
- For more shaving cream and loose parts play, try this Christmas Tinker Tray, sure to keep the little fingers busy for hours!

Related: Loose Parts Outdoor Activities for Kids
- If your little LOVE slime, here is an awesome Christmas Sensory Slime recipe you have to try today! Even better, your kids get to decorate their slime with their own embellishments!
- For more slime, try out this Grinch Slime recipe made with little red hearts
- If you like booktivities, try out this Jolly Christmas Postman Sensory Bin, based off of the book The Jolly Christmas Postman. This sensory bin will encourage your children to reenact what they learn in the book!
Related: Spanish Picture Books About Winter & Christmas To Get Your Child In The Holiday Spirit
- Make some Applesauce Cinnamon Ornaments for a fun olfactory sensory activities. Get the kiddos involved to mix the ingredients and let them adorn their ornaments.
Fine Motor Christmas Activities for Preschoolers

If you are looking for Christmas activities for preschoolers that will work their fine motor muscles, below is a list of activities to try out!
- Try out this super simple fine motor Christmas tree craft! Your child will execute their fine motor skills by painting a cardboard Christmas tree. Next, they will scrunch some tissue paper and glue it to their tree!

- Here is another fun Christmas Tree pom pom ornament craft that can be used as family keepsake.
- Work those small hands with this glue and paste Christmas Wreath Craft made out of materials you might have right at home, buttons and paint!
- Don’t have buttons at home, try out this adorable Christmas Wreath made from tissue paper. The scrunching of the tissue paper will work your preschooler’s tiny hand muscles.
- Left over pom poms? Great! Pair them with some popsicle sticks and make this adorable and simple Elf Hat Ornament. Your child will use their hand muscles to paint or color the sticks and glue the pom poms!
- Make a magical holiday pomander using aging fruit and work your child’s tiny hand muscles! These will make great gifts for loved-ones to freshen up their house!

- Here is a super simple popsicle Reindeer Christmas Ornament Craft, perfect for younger toddlers and preschoolers too!
- Nothing works those tiny hands more than lacing or beading. This Snowflake Bead Craft will definitely get the job done!
Related: Best Christmas Gifts for 5-Year-Old Boys
Christmas printables for preschoolers
Are you looking for Christmas printable activities to do with your preschoolers, or to use in your classroom?
If so, I have a round-up list of Christmas printable activities you can check out here.
Among these activities you can find:
- Fun Christmas scavenger hunts
- Letter to Santa printables
- Printable crafts
- Christmas preschool math activities
- Fine-motor printable fun
- Language learning printables
- Christmas sight word activities
- Coloring pages & more!
Thanks for checking out these Christmas activities for preschoolers. I hope you found one that you and your child can do this holiday!
¡Feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo!