Inside: 14 farm animals printables in Spanish for preschoolers to use in the classroom or at home. Get yours today at the end of this post!
Let’s learn about los animales de la granja with these 14 interactive farm animals printables in Spanish.
These farm animals printables in Spanish are geared towards preschoolers, but they are also a great resource or beginner Spanish learners of all ages.
Inside this printable workbook you can find:
- Coloring pages
- math and counting worksheets
- Tracing worksheets
- Letter and writing activities
- more fun farm animals printables in Spanish for preschoolers!
These printables are perfect for the Spanish classroom, Spanish immersion school, or bilingual homeschooling families!
Let’s learn more about what comes in this 14-page workbook of farm animals printables in Spanish, as well as how to get your printables today!

What type of activities come with these farm animals printables in Spanish?
- Page 1: A cover page farm animals printable coloring page.
Using water paint (recommended) or markers, have your child color the farm scene on the cover page to personalize your child’s workbook!
Read more: List of Art Supplies for Preschoolers
- Page 2 and 3: 16 Farm animal flashcards in Spanish

This workbook includes 16 Montessori-style watercolored flashcards.
Below is a list of the 16 farm animals that are included in the flashcards.
- Goose | El ganso
- Duck | El pato
- Horse | El caballo
- Sheep | La oveja
- Pig | El cerdo
- Hen | La gallina
- Cow | La vaca
- Rooster | El gallo
- Lamb | El cordero
- Donkey | El burro
- Rabbit | El conejo
- Goat | La cabra
- Chick | El pollito
- Dog | El perro
- Cat | El gato
- Foal | El ternero
Related: Forest Animals Printables in Spanish

Below are some ways you can use these farm animal flashcards in Spanish.
In this section, I am going to discuss fun ways you can use and reuse these farm animal flashcards in Spanish.
First and foremost, print our your farm animal flashcards.
Next, cut them out and laminate them.
Then, you can use them in some fun ways, like the ways I will list below!
- Create a print rich envoirnment by placing these around the house. Add adhesive magnets to the back of the laminated flashcards and hang them on your fridge or washer.
- Print out multiple sets and work on sequences and patterns with your preschoolers!
- One of my favorite activities is to print off two sets and use them as a memory game. This activity is perfect for younger children to practice language development and memorization skills to connect the spoken word to the image. Make sure every time you flip over a card, you say the name of what’s on it!
- You could also play a fun game by having your child stand on the opposite side of the room as you, or even better outside. First, shuffle the flashcards. Then, lift a flashcard and show your child. Lastly, if they guess it right, they can take a step or hop forward! If they mess up, a step backward! Will they make it to where you are?
- You could play a bilingual game and say the version in English. Have your child repeat it in Spanish and vice versa.
- You could place the flashcards face up on a table and see how fast your child can recognize the word.
- Play Slapjack by placing all of the flashcards face down on a table. Say a word on the list and have your child flip the cards over until they find the correct card.
- Lastly, you could cut the cards in half and use them as puzzles by having your child match the words and images with their correct halves.
- Page 4 and 5: Cuenta y Marca farm animal counting worksheets
Have your child count each of the farm animals in each box and mark the correct number of insects. This activity will not only help with counting skills, but also with number recognition AND fine motor skills as your child colors in the circles.
Make sure after counting each animal, you have your child repeat the name of the farm animal as well. Repetition is GREAT for language learning.

- Page 6: Farm Animal Addition Worksheet in Spanish
Use this beginner math worksheet to being teaching your preschooler about addition. Make sure they are adding AND naming each animal in Spanish for vocabulary memorization.

- Page 7: Fine motor farm animal escape
With scissors, or if the page is laminated, a dry-erase marker, have your child color cut/trace along the lines to help your animals escape the from the barn.

- Page 8 and 9 Farm animal first letter worksheet
Have your preschooler say the name of the animal listed. Then, have them sound out the first letter and see if they can identify with what letter the farm animal begins.
They have four options to choose from, so if they are struggling, sound out all the letters with them. This will help them learn the phonetic sound of the letters!
Related: FREE Printable ABC Flashcards in Spanish for Preschoolers

- Page 10 and 11: Farm Animal Word Tracing Worksheets in Spanish
Help your child hold a pencil correctly and have them trace the dashed letters to form the word of a farm animal. Once traced, sound out the letters and syllables of the words in Spanish.
Read More: FREE Fall Word Tracing Worksheets in Spanish
If you want to practice more in-depth with each individual letter, I have a FREE letter printables series in the works. At the moment, I have letters A-J available. Each PDF comes with four or five pages of fun-filled activities centered around a specific letter.

- Page 12: Find the missing letter worksheet
Place the farm animal flashcards in front of your preschooler. Have them farm animal flashcard that goes with the animal on the list and have the find the missing letter.
Talk through the letters of each farm animal to help your preschooler learn their letters in Spanish!

- Page 13: Farm animal pattern activity in Spanish
Talk through the different patterns with your preschooler in Spanish and see if they can recognize which farm animal comes next.
Related: Free Printable Thanksgiving Pattern Activity in Spanish for Preschoolers

Page 14: Farm Animal coloring page
Using water paint (recommended) or markers, color the farm animals!

How to get your farm animals printables in Spanish?

You can get all 14 of these printables in my Etsy shop for a small price of $8.97, or you can purchase just the farm animals flashcards for $3.97!
You can grab your farm animals printables in Spanish now by clicking the button below!
Thank you for supporting my blog! This small price supports this blog and helps me carve more time to make FREE printables for you too!
Also, you can subscribe to my blog below, where I will occasionally be giving these out for free to a select few subscribers. You will also receive FREE printables and bilingual parenting advice to your inbox on a biweekly basis!
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