Are you looking for the perfect way to tell your papá just how much you care about him on Father’s Day, or on his birthday? If so, in this post I will share 80 Happy Father’s Day quotes in Spanish and their English translation with you.
These quotes include sweet messages and greetings that you can choose from to let your papá know just how much you love him on his special day.
These quotes will also make great captions to use for your Happy Father’s Day posts on social media.
Keep reading to browse through this list of 80+ happy Father’s Day quotes in Spanish.
Spanish phrases for Happy Father’s Day
Before we jump right into the Happy Father’s Day quotes in Spanish, let’s briefly learn a few ways to say and wish your father a Happy Father’s Day in Spanish.
Below are some ways to say Happy Father’s Day in Spanish:
- ¡Feliz día de los padres!
- ¡Feliz día del padre!
- ¡Feliz día de los papás!
Below are some short common phrases that you can use to wish your father a Happy Father’s Day in Spanish as well as the English translation.
Use these phrases with your papá verbally, send them in a Father’s day message, or use them in your Father’s day card. Further down you can find longer happy Father’s day quotes to use too!
- ¡Gracias por todo lo que haces! —Thank you for all that you do.
- ¡Gracias por ser el mejor papá! —Thank you for being the best dad.
- ¡Tú eres el mejor pamá!— You are the best dad!
- ¡Tú eres mi mejor amigo! —You are my best friend.
- Te amo, pamá. — I love you, dad.
- Te admiro. —I admire you.
- No hay nadie como tú. —Like you, there is no other!
- ¡Espero que tengas el mejor Día de los padres! —I hope you have the best Father’s Day
- Te agradezco por todo lo que haces. —Thank you for all that you do.
- Gracias por todo lo que has hecho por mí. —Thank you for all that you have done for me.
These are just some of the many phrases you can say to thank your Father for all his love on her special day. Now, let’s look at some greetings followed by Happy Father’s Day quotes in Spanish to use on your greeting card.
Related: Happy Birthday Songs in Spanish: Free Printable Lyrics and Coloring Pages for Kids
1. “¡Felicidades en tu día, Papá!”
“Congratulations on your day, Dad!”
2. “¡Feliz día, Papá. Eres la roca de la familia.”
“Happy day, Dad. You are the rock of the family.”
3. “Tú eres el mejor ejemplo de lo que significa ser padre.”
“You are the best example of what it means to be a father.”
4. “Te adoro con toda mi alma, Papá.”
“I adore you with my whole soul, Dad.”
5. “Gracias por enseñarme a ser la persona que soy.”
“Thank you for teaching me to be the person that I am.”
6. “Papá, gracias por ser mi fanático más entusiasta, mi crítico más honesto y mi apoyo más constante.”
“Dad, thank you for being my biggest fan, my most honest critic and my constant support.”
7. “Nunca sería la persona que soy sin tíi”
“I would never be the person that I am without you.”
8. “Padre, guapetón, ¡te quiero un montón!”
“My most handsome father, I love you so much!”
9. “De mayor quiero ser como tú: un superhéroe. ¡Te quiero, papá!”
“When I am older, I want to be like you: a superhero. I love you so much, dad.”
10 ¡A mi querido Viejo, feliz Día del Padre!”
“To my dear old man, Happy Father’s Day.”
11. “Gracias por todo lo que has hecho por mi.”
“Thank you for all that you have done for me.”
12. “Me inspiras con tu amor y buen ejemplo.”
“You inspire me with your love and good example.”
13. “Nunca olvidaré todas tus enseñanzas. ¡Feliz día, papá!”
“I will never forget all of your lesson. Happy Father’s Day!”
14. “Por el Día del Padre solo quiero agradecerte todo lo que haces por mí, papá.”
“On this Father’s Day I just want to thank you for all that you do for me, Dad.”
15. “Padre solo hay uno y yo tengo el mejor.”
“There is only one Dad and I have the best.”
16. “No se trata de lo que hiciste por nosotros, sino de cómo lo hiciste: con amor, paciencia y amabilidad. ¡Gracias y feliz día, papá!”
“It’s not about what you did for us, but rather how you did it: with love, patience and kindness. Thank you and Happy Father’s Day.”
17. “Papá, gracias por ser un faro en mi vida y por guiarme en la dirección correcta.”
“Dad, thank you for being a beacon in my life and for guiding me in the right direction.”
18. “Faltan las palabras para contarte cuanto te adoro, Papá.”
“There is a lack of words to tell you how much I adore you, Dad.”
19. “Tú eres el mejor padre del mundo.”
“You are the bed father in the world.”
20. “Papá, te adoro.”
“Dad, I adore you.”
21. “¡Qué orgullo tenerte como papá!”
“I am so proud to have you as my dad!”
22. “Papá, eres la base de mi vida, la luz de mi camino y la estrella que me guía. ¡Feliz Día del Padre!”
“Dad, you are the base of my life, the light of my path and the start that guides me. Happy Father’s Day.”
23. “Papá, tú fuiste y siempre serás mi príncipe azul. ¡Feliz día del padre!”
Dad, you were and always will be my prince charming. Happy Father’s Day,”
24. “Hoy, el rey de la casa eres tú. ¡Feliz día del padre!”
“Today, the king of the house is you. Happy Father’s Day!”
25. “Agradezco todos los días de mi vida el poder tener un padre tan increíble como tú.”
“I am thankful every day of my life to be able to have such an amazing father like you.”
26. “Papá, te mereces un monumento por estar ahí en todo momento. ¡Feliz día!”
“Dad, you deserve a monument for being there every step of the way. Happy day!”
27 “Papá, gracias por enseñarme a nunca renunciar a mis sueños. ¡Feliz Día del Padre!”
“Dad, thank you for teaching me to never give up on my dreams. Happy Father’s Day.”
28. “¡Feliz día papá! Un padre como tú es difícil de encontrar, fácil de querer e imposible de olvidar.”
“Happy Father’s Day! A father like you is hard to find, easy to love and impossible to forget.”
29. “Un padre es amigo, maestro y consejero: todo en la misma persona.”
“A father is a friend, teacher and counselor: all in the same person.”
30. “A ti, querido papá, por ser mi gran y único superhéroe de verdad.”
“To you, dear father, for being my great and only real superhero.”
31. “Agradezco todos los días de mi vida el poder tener un padre tan increíble como tú.”
“I thank all the days of my life for having a father so incredible as you.”
32. “Un buen padre es el que cuida y ama a sus hijos sin pedir nada a cambio.”
“A good father is one who cares and loves his children without asking for anything in return.”
33. “El destino quiso que fuésemos familia, pero te has encargado de que seamos almas gemelas.”
“Destiny wanted us to be a family, but you have made sure that we are soul mates.”
34. “Tener un padre es algo muy especial, pero tener un padre como tú es simplemente excepcional.”
“Having a father is something very special,but having a father like you is simply exceptional.”
35. “No hay palabra ni pincel que llegue a manifestar amor de padre.” Mateo Alemán
“There is no word or brush that can express the love of a father.”
36. “Mi papá es como un mago, convierte la tristeza en alegría, el aburrimiento en diversión y la desesperanza en ilusión.”
“My father is like a magician, he turns sadness into happiness, boredom into fun and despair into illusion.“
37. “El dinero no da la felicidad, tampoco las cosas materiales: la felicidad es tener un padre como tú y eso no tiene precio.”
“Money does not give happiness, neither do material things: happiness is having a father like you, and that doesn’t have a price.”
38. “Para el amigo más fiel y desinteresado del mundo, aquel que lo da todo sin pensárselo dos veces, te adoro papá, nunca me cansaré de repetírtelo.”
“For the most faithful and selfless friend in the world, the one who gives everything without a second thought, I adore you dad, I will never get tired of telling you that.”
39. “Siempre me dices que me trajiste al mundo, pero mi mundo eres tú papá.”
“You always tell me that you brought me into this world, but my world is you, dad.”
40. “La calidad de un padre puede verse en las metas, sueños y aspiraciones que establece no sólo para él, sino para su familia.”
“The quality of a father can be seen in the goals, dreams and aspirations that he makes not only for him, but for his family.”
41. “No creo que haya ninguna necesidad más grande en la niñez que la protección de un padre.” Sigmund Freud
“I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.” – Sigmund Freud.
42. “No solo eres mi padre: mi mejor maestro, mi amigo y el gran amor de mi vida.”
“You are not just my father: my best teacher, my friend and the great love of my life.”
43. “Siempre puedo contar con tu sabiduría y el amor infinito que me das, gracias por todo padre.”
“I can always count on your wisdom and the infinite love you give me. Thank you for everything, father.”
44. “Las tormentas más grandes en el corazón de un niño son calmadas por las olas amorosas en el mar del amor de un padre.”
“The biggest storms in the heart of a child are calmed by the loving waves in the ocean of a father’s love.”
Related: 40+ Beautiful Family Quotes in Spanish
45. “Si soy una buena persona es por tenerte como ejemplo de padre modelo.”
“If I am a good person, it’s because I have you as an example of a model parent.”
46. “Cuando dudo me aconsejas, cuando me equivoco me ayudas y siempre estás a mi lado cuando te llamo. Gracias por todo, papá.”
“When I doubt you advise me, when I am wrong you help me and you are always by my side when I call you. Thank you for everything, Dad.”
47. “Eres un superhéroe sin capa y un rey sin corona, pero da igual: para mí eres eso y mucho más, papá.”
“You are a superhero without a cape and a king without a crown, but it doesn’t matter: to me you are that and so much more, Dad.”
48. “GRACIAS con letras mayúsculas, una sencilla palabra que esconde todo el amor que siento por ti, papá.”
“THANK YOU in all capitals, a simple word that hides all the love that I feel for you, Dad.”
49. “No tengo suficientes palabras para expresar lo agradecido que estoy por tenerte como mi padre.”
“I don’t have enough words to express how thankful I am for having you as my father.”
50. “Mi padre me ha dado el mejor regalo que nadie me ha dado jamás. Me dio alas para volar.” Adriá Arjona
“My father has given me the best gift that anyone has ever given me. He gave me wings to fly.” Adriá Arjona
51. “Los papás son hombres comunes y corrientes convertidos en héroes.” Pam Brown
“Dads are ordinary men turned into heroes.” -Pam Brown
52. “Gracias por haberme educado así. Estoy orgulloso de ser como soy y eso te lo debo a ti.”
“Thank you for having educated me like this. I am proud to be who I am and I owe that to you.”
53. “Yo sé que puedo contar con tu amor y sabiduría para instruirme. Gracias por estar siempre conmigo.”
“I know that I can count on your life and wisdom to instruct me. That you for always being with me.”
54. “¡Cuán grande riqueza es, aun entre los pobres, el ser hijo de buen padre!” Juan Luis Vives
“How great a wealth it is, even among the poor, to be the son of a good father.” -Luis Vives
55. “Feliz Día del Padre al hombre que me ha enseñado que la perseverancia y la fe pueden mover montañas”
“Happy Father’s Day to the man that has taught me that perseverance and faith can move mountains.”
56. “Solo cuando vas creciendo comienzas a entender la mirada de tu padre.”
“Only as you get older do you begin to understand the look of your father.”
57. “No es que mi padre sea el mejor del mundo, sino que fue el encargado de crear mi mundo desde que nací.”
“It’s not that my father is the best in the world, but that he was in charge of creating my world since I was born.”
58. “No me avergüenza decir que ningún hombre que conocí fue igual a mi padre, y nunca amé a ningún otro hombre tanto.” Hedy Lamar
“I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever knew was my father’s equal, and I never loved any other man as much.”
Related: 67+ Love Quotes in Spanish to Share With your Amor
59. “La herencia más bella y sorprendente que un padre puede dejar a su hijo, es la formación del carácter y mostrar los pasos a seguir.”
“The most beautiful and amazing inheritance that a father can leave his child, is the formation of character and to show the steps to follow.”
60. “Un buen padre es el que te cura las heridas de las rodillas siendo niño, te indica el camino a seguir mientras creces y te deja tomar tus propias decisiones. Y ese eres tú, papá.”
“A good father is one that cures your knee wounds as a child, shows you the way forward as you grow and lets you make your own decisions. And that’s you, Dad.”
61. “Un padre es un hombre que espera que sus hijos sean tan buenos como él hubiera querido ser.”
“A father is a man that waits for his children to be as good as he would have wanted to be.”
62. “Papá, eres la persona más valiente que he conocido. Me has mostrado cómo ser fuerte de corazón, mente y alma, y ser fiel a mí mismo.”
“Dad, you are the bravest person that I have ever met. You have showed me how to be strong in my heart, mind and soul and to be faithful to myself.”
63. “Gracias, Papá por dedicarme cada mañana tu mejor sonrisa. ¡Feliz día, papá! Te quiero.”
“Thank you, dad for giving me your best smile every day. Happy Father’s Day, Dad. I love you.”
Related: 40 Gratitude Quotes in Spanish
64. “Mi padre me dio el mayor regalo que un ser humano le puede dar a otro: creyó en mí.” Jin Valvano
“My father gave me the best give that a human can give another: he believed in me.”
65. “Buen padre es aquel que enseña a sus hijos cómo pensar, no lo que han de pensar. Gracias por ello.”
“A good father is one that shows his children how to think, not how they have to think. Thank you for that.”
66. “Mi padre fue mi maestro. Pero lo más importante fue que fue un gran padre.” Beau Bridges
“My father was my teacher. But more importantly he was a great father.”
67. “Gracias papá por estar siempre conmigo, por sacarme una sonrisa y ser mi paño de lágrimas.”
“Thank you dad for always being with you, for making me smile and for being my handkerchief of tears.”
68. “No imagino una vida sin ti. Gracias por tu dedicación, tu apoyo y amor infinito, papá.”
“I cannot imagine life without you. Thank you for your dedication, your support and infinite love, Dad.”
69. “El amigo más desinteresado y fiel del mundo, te adoro papá.”
“The most selfless and faithful friend in the world, I adore you, Dad.”
Related: 101+ Best Motivational Quotes in Spanish to Inspire You!
70. “Gracias, gracias y gracias, una y mil veces. Por todo y por tanto. Por ser tú y por estar a mi lado cuando ni yo misma sabía que lo necesitaba tanto. Feliz día del padre.”
“Thank you, thank you and thank you, once and a thousand times. For everything and for so much. For being you and for being there for me when even I didn’t know I needed it so much. Happy Father’s Day.”
71. “Siempre me has cogido de la mano para afrontar todos los retos de la vida, gracias papá.”
“You have always taken me by the hand to face all of life’s challenges, thank you, Dad.”
72. “Gracias, papá por no decirme cómo vivir. Tú viviste y me enseñaste con tu ejemplo.”
“Thank you, dad for not telling me how to live. You lived and you showed me with your example.”
73. “Lo único que es mejor que tenerte como padre, es que mis hijos puedan tenerte como abuelo.”
“The only thing that is better than having you as a father, is that my kids can have you as a grandfather.”
74. “Ser padre es plantar y echar raíces, es enseñar a la vida cogidos de la mano, con coraje y determinación.”
“Being a father is planting and growing roots, it is teach teaching about life hand in hand, with courage and determination.”
75. “Nada podrá separarnos: siempre juntos, papá.”
“Nothing can separate us: always together, dad.”
76. “Eres el mejor compañero de vida, te quiero papá.”
“You are the best life companion. I love you, dad.”
77. “El mejor papá del universo. Pocas palabras que lo significan todo.”
“The best dad in the universe. Few words that mean everything.”
78. “Nadie puede comprar mi amor por ti porque no tiene precio.”
“Nothing can buy my love for you because it does not have a price.”
79. “Gracias por ser mi guía en la oscuridad y mi refugio en los tiempos difíciles.”
“Thank you for being my guide in the dark and my refuge in difficult times.”
80. “Tengo un héroe que todo lo puede, se llama papá.”
“I have a hero that can do everything, his name is dad.”
81. “Un buen padre vale por cien maestros.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau
A good dad is worth one hundred teachers.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau
82. “No importa la edad, siempre te necesitaré a mi lado, papá.”
“It doesn’t matter the age, I always need you by my side, dad.”
83.“Yo tengo a un grandioso papá porque él a su vez tuvo un maravilloso padre y ese eres tú, mi querido abuelo. ¡A ti te deseo muchísimas felicidades en este día!”
“I have a great dad because he in turn had a wonderful father and that is you, my dear grandfather. I wish you many congratulations on this day!”
84. “Abuelo querido, quédate con nosotros por muchísimo más tiempo y sigue contagiándonos con tu alegría e iluminandonos con tu sabiduría. ¡Feliz Día del Padre!”
“Grandpa dearest, stay with us for much, much longer and continue to infect us with your joy and enlighten us with your wisdom- Happy Father’s Day.”
85. “Abuelo mereces todo mi respeto y admiración. Gracias por brindarme tu ayuda siempre que la he necesitado. Gracias por apoyarme en los buenos y malos momentos. Es maravilloso saber que contigo siempre puedo contar, para cualquier cosa, en cualquier momento.”
“Grandfather you deserve all my respect and admiration. Thank you for giving me your help whenever I needed it. Thank you for supporting me in good times and bad. It’s wonderful to know that I can always count on your for anything, anytime.”
86. “Felicidades, mi Abuelo. Eres la única persona que conozco, con plata en el pelo y oro en el corazón.”
“Congratulations, my grandfather. You are the only person that I know with silver in your hair and gold in your heart.”
Related: Father’s Day Coloring Pages in Spanish for Abuelo.
87. “Dicen que a los mejores papas, lo ascienden a abuelos.”
“It is said that the best dads get promoted to grandparents.”
88. “La única mejor cosa que tenerte como padre, es tenerte como abuelo.”
The only thing better than having you as my dad is having you as a grandfather.”
89. “Mis pocos años de vida han sido iluminados con luz de tu sabiduría. ¡Mi lindo abuelo, con todo mi amor te felicito en este Día del Padre!”
“My few years of life have been illuminated with the light of your wisdom. My lovely grandfather, with all of my love I wish you happiness on this Father’s Day.”
Celebrate Happy Father’s Day in Spanish with Young Kids
If you are looking for more ways to celebrate Father’s Day in Spanish this year, I have a few resources you can check out below:
For starters, if you have young children, pick out a Father’s Day book in Spanish and read it with them to teach them all about their special moms.
Next, you could download and print off my Father’s Day coloring pages in Spanish which includes FOUR fun filled Father’s Day printable activities. The kit includes an All about Papá page, a color by number, a cutting and letter practice page and an P is for papá coloring page.
Lastly, for abuelo, I have four fun-filled coloring pages to celebrate abuelito that you can download and print here.
To wrap things up, this post has been jam packed with a variety of different Father’s day resources in Spanish. We learned how to say Happy Father’s Day in Spanish, short phrases that you can tell papá, quotes for papá and abuelo and last but not least, fun activities to do with the kiddos.
I hope you enjoyed this list of Happy Father’s Day quotes in Spanish. If you know of a great Father’s Day quote in Spanish that needs to be added to this list, let me know in the comments below!
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