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101+ Best Motivational Quotes in Spanish to Inspire You!

Today I want to share an ongoing list of 100+ motivational quotes in Spanish with you.

Perhaps you are going through a rough time and need a pick-me-up.

Or, it may be that you have had lots of downfalls this year and need an inspirational reminder to keep your head up.

Maybe you are going through a career or big life change and you need a reminder that it will be okay. 

Regardless of what your motive might be, just like positive affirmations work, these motivational quotes in Spanish will give you that push that you need to get up off the ground and pursue your dreams.

Don’t speak Spanish? That’s okay, because I have provided English translations for you below each quote!

I hope these motivational quotes in Spanish work just as well as they have for me! ¡Disfruta!

101+ Motivational Quotes in Spanish

Ways to use these quotes in Spanish

How can you use these motivational quotes in Spanish? Easy. I’ll leave some ideas below!

  • Make a mindful activity out of these quotes by drawing them on a blank piece of paper and hanging them around the room.
  • Not crafty? You could also create a design in a free software like Canva, print them out and hang them around the room.
  • Have a friend or family member that is down in the dumps? Make them a nice card and include one of these motivational quotes in Spanish to cheer them up.
  • Learning Spanish? Pick a handful of these quotes each day. Write them down and translate them. For any words or grammar that you’re not familiar with, write it down, look it up, and practice it. Keep an ongoing library of Spanish words that you don’t know. Come back to it later and I’ll bet you will remember the word this time! This is one way I became fluent in Spanish. Through music, too!

Now onto the motivational quotes in Spanish!

Motivational Quotes in Spanish

 1. “La libertad está en ser dueños de nuestra vida”

“Freedom is being in control of our own lives.”

2. “Rodéate de personas que crean en tus sueños, animen tus ideas, apoyen tus ambiciones, y saquen lo mejor de ti.” —Roy T. Bennet

“Surround yourself with people that believe in your dreams, inspire your ideas, support your ambitions and bring out the best of you.” 

3. “Piensa, sueña, cree y atrévete.” Walt Disney

“Think, dream, believe and take risks.”

4. “No tienes que ser grande para empezar. Pero tienes que empezar para poder ser grande.” —Zig Ziglar

“You don’t have to be big to begin. But you have to begin to be big.”

5. “Una persona que nunca se equivocó nunca intentó nada nuevo.”

“A person that has never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

Related: 65+ Positive Spanish Quotes To Encourage an Optimistic Life

6. “Que tus sueños te lleven a la vida que te haga feliz.”

“May your dreams take you to the life that makes you happy.”

7. “Una persona positiva convierte sus problemas en retos, nunca en obstáculos.”

“A positive person turns their problems into challenges, not obstacles.”

101+ Motivational Quotes in Spanish: "Una persona positiva convierte sus problemas en retos, nunca en obstáculos"

8. “Sé el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo” —Mahatma Gandhi

Be the change you want to see in the world.” 

9. “El mejor momento del día es ahora.” Pierre Bonnard

The best moment of the day is now.”

Related: 40 Printable Positive Affirmations in Spanish

10. “Si la montaña que subes parece cada vez más imponente, es que la cima está cada vez más cerca.”

“If the mountain you are climbing seems more formidable with each step, it’s because the peak is one more step closer.”

11. “No hay mejor medida de tus valores que la forma en que gastas tu tiempo.” – Scott Belsky

“There is no better measurement of values than the way you spend your time.”

101+ Motivational Quotes in Spanish: "no hay mejor medida de tus valores que la forma en que gastas tu tiempo."

12. “La vida te pondrá obstáculos, pero los límites los pones tú.”

“Life will give you obstacles, but you put the limits.”

13. “No es la muerte lo que debes temer, sino nunca empezar a vivir.” —Marco Aurelio

“Death isn’t what you should fear,  but rather never beginning to live.”

14. “Todo lo que necesitas para ser feliz se encuentra al otro lado de tus miedos.”

“All you need to be happy is found on the other side of your fears.”

15. “Si te sientes perdido en el mundo es porque todavía no has salido a buscarte.”

“If you feel lost in the world it’s because you still haven’t gone out to look for yourself.”

16. “La gente cree que la innovación es solo tener una buena idea, pero gran parte de ella es solo moverse rápidamente y probar muchas cosas.”- Mark Zuckerberg

“People believe that innovation is just having a good idea, but the biggest part of it is being able to move quick and try different things”

17. “Nunca se es demasiado viejo para fijarse otra meta o tener un nuevo sueño.”

“One is never too old to start another goal or have a new dream.”

18. “Ningún mar en calma hizo experto a un marinero.”

“No calm ocean made an expert sailor.”

101+ Motivational Quotes in Spanish: "Ningún mar en calma hizo experto a un marinero."

19. “Nunca es demasiado tarde para una segunda oportunidad en la vida.”

“It is never too late for a second opportunity in life.”

Related: 67+ Love Quotes in Spanish to Share With your Amor

20. “Aquel que lo piensa mucho antes de dar un paso, se pasará toda su vida en un solo pie.”

“He who thinks a lot before taking a step, will spend his whole life on just one foot.”

21. “Nunca te rindas, a veces la última llave es la que abre la puerta.”

“Never give up, sometimes the last key is the one that opens the door.”

101+ Motivational Quotes in Spanish: Nunca te rindas, a veces la última llave es la que abre la puerta.

22. “El momento en que quieres dejarlo es justo el momento en que tienes que seguir avanzando.”

“The moment you want to give up on something is exactly the moment you need to continue forward.”

23. “Mañana es una excusa maravillosa, ¿No crees?

“Tomorrow is a wonderful excuse. Don’t you think so?”

24. “El que cree que lo sabe todo es incapaz de aprender.” —Epicteto

“He who believes he knows it all is incapable of learning.” 

101+ Motivational Quotes in Spanish: El que cree que lo sabe todo es incapaz de aprender"

25. “La forma de empezar es dejar de hablar y empezar a hacer.” – Walt Disney

“The way to begin is by stopping talking and beginning to do.”

26. “Las cosas buenas llegan a los que saben esperar.”

“Good things happen to those who know how to wait.”

27. “Tienes que creer en ti mismo cuando nadie más lo haga porque eso te convertirá en ganador “- Venus Williams

“You have to believe in yourself when nobody else does because that will turn you into a winner.”

28. “Todo error deja una enseñanza, toda enseñanza deja una experiencia, y toda experiencia deja una huella.”

"Todo error deja una enseñanza, toda enseñanza deja una experiencia, y toda experiencia deja una huella.

“Every mistake creates a lesson, every lesson creates an experience, and each experience leaves a mark.”

29. “El valor de una idea radica en su uso” – Thomas Edison

“The value of an idea lays in its use.”

30. “O somos víctimas o somos creadores de nuestra realidad” – Joe Dispenza

“We are either victims or creators of our reality.”

101+ Motivational Quotes in Spanish: "o somos víctimas o somos creadores de nuestra realidad."

31. “Sonríe a la vida y la vida te devolverá esa sonrisa.”

“Smile at life and life with return that smile.”

32. “El éxito no es permanente y la derrota no es fatal; lo que cuenta es el coraje para continuar.”

“Success is not permanent and the defeat is not fattal; what counts is the courage to continue.”

33. “Lo que cuenta no es de dónde vienes, sino adónde vas.” —Ella Fitzgerald

“What counts is not where you come from, but rather where you go.”

34. Cuando todo parezca ir en tu contra, recuerda que el avión despega contra el viento” – Henry Ford

“When everything seems to go against you, remember that a plane takes off against the wind.”

Related: 85+  Spanish Quotes About Life with English Translation to Reflect Upon

35. “Vayas donde vayas, ve con todo tu corazón.” Confucio

“Go wherever you go, but go with all of your heart.”

36. “Podrán cortar todas las flores, pero no podrán detener la primavera.” – Pablo Neruda

“They could cut all of the flowers, but they could never stop spring.”

37. “Nadie encuentra su camino sin haberse perdido varias veces.”

“No one finds their path without having been lost a few times.”

"Nadie encuentra su camino sino haberse perdido varias veces"

38. “No esperes. Nunca va a ser el momento adecuado.” —Napoleon Hill

“Don’t wait. It will never be the right time.”

39. “La creatividad es la inteligencia divirtiéndose.” —Albert Einstein

“Creativity is Intelligence having fun.”

Related: 40 Gratitude Quotes in Spanish

40. “Si no te importa lo que piense la gente, ya diste el primer paso del éxito.”

“If you don’t care about what people think, you just took your first step to success.”

41. “No podrás ganar hasta deshacerte del temor a perder.”

“You cannot win without getting rid of all your fear of losing.”

"No podrás ganar hasta deshacerte del temor a perder"

42. “No te conformes con lo que necesitas, lucha por lo que te mereces.”

“Si te cansas, aprende a descansar, no a renunciar.”

43. “La vida siempre nos da oportunidades para ser felices.”

“Life always gives us opportunities to be happy.”

44. “Nuestra mayor gloria no es nunca caer, sino levantarnos cada vez que caemos.”

“Our biggest glory is not ever falling, but rather getting up each time we fall.”

45. “Podemos sufrir muchas derrotas pero no debemos ser derrotados.” —Maya Angelou

“We may encounter a lot of defeats, but we should never be defeated.”

46. “Si quieres cambiar el mundo, cámbiate a ti mismo.” Mahatma Ghandi

“If you want to change the world, change yourself first.”

"Si quieres cambiar el mundo, cámbiate a ti mismo."

47. ”Tienes que hacer las cosas que crees que no puedes hacer.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

“You have to do things that you think that you can’t do.”

48. “No importa lo que pase, siempre tendrás una historia que contar.”

“It doesn’t matter what happens, you will always have a story to tell.”

49. “Evita juntarte con gente negativa. Siempre tienen un problema para cada solución.”

“Avoid getting together with negative people. They always have a problem for each solution.”

50. “No tengas miedo a perder en la vida, porque así es como se aprende a ganar.”

“Don’t be scared to lose in life, because that is how we learn how to win.”

51. “Si no te gusta algo, cámbialo. Si no puedes cambiarlo, cambia tu actitud.” —Maya Angelou

If you don’t like something, change it. If you cannot change it, change your attitude.”

52. “En la vida algunas veces se gana, otras veces se aprende.”

Sometimes we win in life, sometimes we learn.”

53. “Rara vez nos damos cuenta que estamos rodeados por lo extraordinario.”

“Seldom do we realize that we are surrounded by the extraordinary.”

“Rara vez nos damos cuenta que estamos rodeados por lo extraordinario.”

54. “La energía y la persistencia conquistan todas las cosas.” —Benjamin Franklin

“Energy and persistence conquer everything.”

55. “Un sueño no se hace realidad por arte de magia, necesita sudor, determinación y trabajo duro.” – Colin Powell

“A dream doesn’t come true by magic, it requires sweat, determination and hard work.”

56. “Las cosas más hermosas de la vida no se pagan con dinero.”

“The most beautiful things in life aren’t bought with money.”

57. “¿Cuándo fue la última vez que hiciste algo por primera vez?”

“When was the last time you did something for the first time?”

58. “Las ideas no duran mucho. Hay que hacer algo con ellas.”—Santiago Ramón y Cajal

“Ideas don’t last long. You have to do something with them.”

59. “No hay vidas complicadas, solo personas que se complican la vida.”

“There is no such thing as complicated lives, just people who complicate life.”

"No hay vidas complicadas, solo personas que se complican la vida."

60. “Trabajar duro te llevará a la cima, disfrutar el camino te llevará más lejos.”

“Working hard will take you to the top of the mountain. Enjoy the walk, it will take you further.”

61. “Los verdaderos ganadores están llenos de energía positiva.”

“True winners are full of positive energy.”

Related: 40+ Family Quotes in Spanish

62. “Si dejas salir todos tus miedos tendrás más espacio para vivir todos tus sueños.”

“If you get rid of all of your fears you will have more space to live all of your dreams.”

63. “Sólo se vive una vez. Pero si lo haces bien, una vez basta.” —Mae West’

“We only live once, but if you do it well, once is enough.”

64. “No mires hacia atrás, porque ya es pasado. No pienses en el futuro porque todavía está por llegar. Vive el presente, y hazlo tan bonito que merezca la pena ser recordado.” – Dj Sammy

“Don’t look in the past it already happened. Don’t look forward because the future hasn’t happened yet. Live in the moment, and do it so well that it is worth remembering.”

“No mires hacia atrás, porque ya es pasado. No pienses en el futuro porque todavía está por llegar. Vive el presente, y hazlo tan bonito que merezca la pena ser recordado.”

65. “Sé apasionado y avanza con ganas cada hora de cada día, hasta que alcances tu objetivo.” – Ava DuVernay

“Be passionate and go forward with desire every hour of every day until you reach your objective.”

66. “El momento que da más miedo es siempre justo antes de empezar.”

“The scariest moment is right before you begin.”

67. “Superar aquello que te asusta es lo que más te fortalecerá.”

 “Overcoming that which scares you will make you stronger.”

68. “No pierdas tu tiempo dando explicaciones: la gente solo oye lo que quiere oír.”

“Don’t waste your time giving explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.”

69. “Los retos son lo que hacen la vida interesante, y superarlos es lo que hace que la vida tenga un significado.”

“Challenges are what make life interesting, and overcoming them is what give life a purpose.”

70. “Si no quieres arriesgarte para lograr el éxito, entonces arriésgate a tener una vida de conformismo.”

“If you don’t want to take risks to achieve success, then take risks to have a life of conformity” 

Short motivational quotes in Spanish

71. “Trabaja de manera inteligente, no de manera dura.”

“Work smart, not hard.”

72. “Levántate, suspira, sonríe, y sigue adelante.”

“Get up, breathe, smile, and move on.”

73. “Puedes más de lo que te imaginas, vales más de lo que crees.”

“You can do more than you imagine, you are worth more than you believe.”

"Puedes más de lo que te imaginas, vales más de lo que crees." Motivational quotes in Spanish

75. “Respira. Ha sido un mal día, no una mala vida.”

“Breathe. It has been a bad day, not a bad life.”

76. “Si fuese fácil todo el mundo lo haría.”

“If it were easy, the whole world would do it.”

77. “Hazlo, y si te da miedo, hazlo con miedo.”

“Do it and if it scares you, do it with fear.”

78. “Sé la mejor versión de ti mismo.”

“Be the best version of yourself.”

79. “Eres suficiente tal y como eres.”

“You are enough just the way you are.”

80. “El rival más difícil está en tu cabeza.”

“Your hardest rival is in your head.”

Motivational quotes in Spanish: "El rival más grande está en tu cabeza'

81. “Vive. El dinero se recupera, el tiempo no.”

“Live. You can recover money, but not time.”

82. “Tu futuro depende de lo que hagas hoy, no mañana.”

“ You future depends on what you do today, not tomorrow.”

83. “Ojalá VIVAS todos los días de tu vida.”

“ I hope you LIVE all of the days of your life.”

84. “Lo que plantes ahora, lo cosecharás más tarde.”

“That what you plant today, you will harvest later on.”

85. “Tu mejor profesor es tu mayor error.”

“Your best teacher is your biggest mistake.”

86. “Sé la EXTRA en extraordinaria.”

“Be the EXTRA in extraordinary.”

87. “Limpia tu mente del NO PUEDO.”

“Clean your mind of I can’t”

88. “Nunca es demasiado tarde para hacer lo que ames.”

“It is never too late to do what you love.”

89. “Si puedes soñarlo, puedes hacerlo.”

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”

90. “Pierde el miedo para que no pierdas oportunidades.”

“Get rid of your fear so that you don’t lose opportunities.”

91. “Unas veces ganas y otras veces aprendes.”

“Sometimes you win, and other times you learn.”

92. “Puedes ser feliz allí donde estés.” – Joel Osteen

“You can be happy right there where you are.”

93. “Sé tan bueno que no puedan ignorarte.” —Steve Martin

“Be so good that they can’t ignore you.”

94. “Hecho es mejor que perfecto.” —Sheryl Sandberg

“Done is better than perfect.”

95. “Haz de cada día tu obra maestra.” – John Wooden

“Make everyday your work of art.”

"Haz de cada día tu obra maestra"

96. “Siempre parece imposible… hasta que se hace.” – Nelson Mandela

“It always seems impossible until its done.”

97. “No cuentes los días, haz que los días cuenten.” – Muhammad Ali

“Don’t count the days, make the days count.”

98. “No importa qué tan lento vayas mientras no te detengas.” – Confucio

“It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you don’t stop.”

99. “Seamos los líderes que hubiéramos deseado tener” – Simon Sinek

“Let’s be the leaders we wished we had.”

100.  “El trabajo duro vence al talento cuando el talento no trabaja duro.” – Tim Notke

“Hard work defeats talent when the talent doesn’t work hard.”

101. “La simplicidad es la mayor sofisticación.” – Leonardo da Vinci.

“Simplicity is the greatest sophistication.”

Well, amigos, I hope you found a motivational quote in Spanish that cheered you up today! Make sure you share the images in this post to cheer up your friends and family! Have a great day!


101+ Motivational Quotes in Spanish