Are you working on the letter H in your Spanish class? Great well in today’s post, I want to provide you with a list of Spanish words that start with H!
This list of Spanish vocabulary words that start with H has over 200 Spanish words. While the list does not include every H word in Spanish, it does include words that I think will be useful for English speakers to know and words that I think will help in daily conversations.
I will break up the Spanish H words into the following categories and each category will be alphabetical order. Click the category links below to jump right to that section!
- How to pronounce the letter H in Spanish?
- Spanish words that start with the letter H: Prepositions
- Spanish words that start with the letter H: Nouns
- Spanish words that start with the letter H: Adjectives
- Spanish words that start with the letter H: Verbs
- Spanish words that start with the letter H: Slang words
- Spanish words that start with the letter H: Curse Words
Working with the letter H in Spanish with your preschoolers and kindergarteners? Check out these letter H printable activities in Spanish that you can access for FREE today!
How to pronounce the letter H in Spanish?
Before we get into the following list of Spanish words that start with H, let’s first learn how to pronounce the letter H in Spanish!
In most cases, the letter H in Spanish is silent.
- Hogar [oh-ghar]
- Hábito [Ah-bee-toe]
- Habitación [ah-bee-tah-syohn]
- Hambre [ahm-breh]
In some cases, the letter H forms a digraph or a combination of two letters to produce one sound.
When the letter H is preceded by the letter C, it forms the sound Ch, such as the word chair in English.
For second language learners, where English is the first language, this can present some difficulties because CH in English can take on different forms.
You can have a hard Ch such as charger, or a soft Ch, such as chef, which is pronounced like /shef/.
In Spanish, the digraph CH always produces a hard sound.
Below are a list of words that have ch:
- Chica [chee-kah]
- Cheque [Che-keh]
- Charla [char-lah]
- Chicharrón- two CHs in one! [chee-cha-rrhon]
Alright, now that you have a basic understanding of how to pronounce the letter H in Spanish, let’s move on to the following list of Spanish words that start with H.
Spanish words that start with the letter H: Prepositions
Spanish | English |
Hacia | Towards, in the direction of |
Hasta | To, as far as, up to |
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Spanish words that start with the letter H: Nouns
The first category of Spanish words that start with the letter H are nouns. Have fun browsing through this list. I will highlight some of my favorite Spanish words that start with H!
I did not include the definite article with each of the nouns, so make sure when using these to check their gender.
Here are a few tips when identifying the gender of nouns.
In most cases, nouns that end in the following are masculine nouns:
- -o Ex: “el hábito”
- -e Ex: “El héroe”
- “An accented vowel, ends with a letter with an accent mark” Ex: “El café”
- “Ma” Ex: “El tema”
In most cases, nouns that end in the following are feminine nouns:
- -a Ex: “La hamaca”
- -d Ex: “La honestidad”
- -z Ex: “La hediondez”
- -ción Ex: “La habitación”
Feminine nouns that begin with a stressed “a-” or “ha-” sound in Spanish use the articles “el” and “un” in the singular, and las in the plural.
Example of singular words that take on the masucline form:
- El hacha, las hachas
- El hada, las hadas
I hope those tips helped. If you feel in doubt, the best way to find out the gender of the noun is to head to or
Now onto the Spanish nouns that begin with the letter h.
Spanish | English |
Habichuela | Kidney beans |
Habilidad | Skill, ability |
Habitación | Room |
Habitante | Inhabitant |
Hábito | Habit |
Habla | Speech |
Hablante | Speaker |
Hacendado | Landowner |
Hacha | Axe |
Hacienda | Ranch, country estate |
(el) Hada | Fairy tale |
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Hado | Fate |
Halago | Flattery |
Halcón | Falcon |
Hallazgo | Discovery |
Hamaca | Hammock |
Hambre | Hunger |
Hamburguesa | Hamburger |
Harina | Flour |
Hechicería | Witchcraft |
Hediondez | Something that stinks |
Helada | Frost |
Helicóptero | Helicopter |
Helio | Helium |
Hembra | Female |
Herboristería | Herbalist |
Heredero | Inheritor |
Herejía | Heresy |
Herencia | Inheritance |
Herida | Wound |
Hermanastro/a | Stepbrother/sister |
Hermandad | Brotherhood |
Hermano/a | Brother/sister |
Hermosura | Beauty |
Hernia | Hernia |
Héroe | Hero |
Heroína | Heroine |
Herrador | Blacksmith |
Herramienta | Tool |
Hidrógeno | Hydrogen |
Hielo | Ice |
Hiena | Hyena |
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Hierba | grass |
Hierbabuena | Mint |
Hierro | Iron |
Hígado | Liver |
Related: Learn the body parts in Spanish with these free printable flashcards!
Higiene | Hygiene |
Higo | Fig |
Higuera | Fig tree |
Hijastro/a | Step son/daughter |
Hijo/a | Son/daughter |
Hilo | Thread |
Himno | Hymn |
Hinchazón | Swelling |
Hibérbole | Hyperbole |
Hipnosis | Hypnosis |
Hipo | Hiccups |
Hipocresía | Hypocrisy |
Hipopótamo | Hippopotamus |
Hipoteca | Mortgage |
Hipotensión | Low blood pressure |
Hipotermia | Hypothermia |
Hipótesis | Hypothesis |
Hispano | Spanish/ Hispanic |
Hispanoamérica | Spanish America |
Histeria | Hysteria |
Historia | Story, history |
Historiador | Historian |
Hito | Landmark, milestone |
Hocico | (Animal) snout, nose |
Hockey | Hockey |
Related: A vocabulary list of sports in Spanish + free printable flashcards
Hogar | Home |
Hoguera | Bonfire |
Hoja | Leaf |
Hombre | Man |
Hombría | Manliness |
Hombro | Shoulder |
Homenaje | Tribute |
Homicidio | Homicide |
Homosexual | Homosexual |
Honda | Sling |
Honestidad | Honest |
Hongo | Mushroom |
Honor | Honor |
Hora | Hour, time |
Horario | Schedule |
Horizonte | Horizon |
Hormiga | Ant |
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Hormigonera | Concrete mixer |
Hormiguero | Ant hill, ant nest |
Horno | Stove |
Horóscopo | Horoscope |
Horror | Horror |
Horticultor | Horticulturist |
Hospital | Hospital |
Hospitalidad | Hospitality |
Hostigamiento | Harassment |
Hotel | Hotel |
Hoy | Today |
Hoyito | Dimple |
Hoyo | hole |
Hoyuelo | Dimple |
Huelga | Strike |
Huelgista | Striker |
Huella | Footprint, track |
Huérfano | Orphan |
Huerta | Vegetable garden |
Huésped | Guest, lodger |
Huevo | Egg |
Humanismo | Humanism |
Humedad | Humidity |
Húmero | Humerus |
Humidificador | Humidifier |
Humildad | Humbleness, humility |
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Humidificador | Humidifier |
Humillación | Humiliation |
Humo | Smoke |
Humor | Mood |
Humorismo | Humor |
Hurto | Robbery |
Spanish words that start with the letter H: Adjectives
In the next category, we will explore a list of Spanish words that begin with the letter H that are adjectives.
Spanish | English |
Hábil | Skillful |
Habitado | Lived in |
Habitual | Habitual |
Hablador | Talkative, chatty |
Halagador | Flattering, pleasing |
Hambriento | Hungry |
Haragán | Lazy |
Harinoso | Floury |
Hastiar | To bore, to weary |
Hechicero | Magical |
Hediondo | Stinking, foul-smelling |
Helado | Frozen, ice-cold |
Herbívoro | Herbivorous |
Hereditario | Hereditary |
Herido | Wounded |
Hermoso | Beautiful, lovely |
Heroico | Heroic |
Herrumbroso | Rusty |
Hexágono | Hexagon |
Hibernación | Hibernation |
Hibisco | Hibiscus |
Hidalgo/a | Nobleman/woman |
Hidalguía | Nobility |
Hidratante | Hydrating |
Higiénico | Hygienic |
Hinchable | Inflatable |
Hinchado | Swollen, inflamed |
Hiperactivo | Hyperactive |
Hipertenso | To have high blood pressure |
Hipnótico | Hypnotic |
Hipoalergénico | Hypoallergenic |
Hipócrita | Hypocritic |
Hipotético | Hypothetical |
Hiriente | Cutting |
Hispánico | Hispanic |
Hispanohablante | Spanish-speaking |
Histérico | Hysterical |
Historiado | over-elaborate |
Histórico | Historic |
Hocicón | Gossipy |
Hogareño | Homely |
Hondo | Deep |
Hondonada | Hollow |
Honesto | Honest |
Honorable | Honorable |
Honrado | Honest |
Horizontal | Horizontal |
Hormonal | Hormonal |
Horrible | Horrible |
Hueco | Hollow |
Huevón/ona | Lazy, idle |
Humanamente | Humanly |
Humanista | Humanist |
Húmedo | Damp, humid |
Humilde | Humble |
Humillante | Humiliating |
Humorístico | Humoristic |
Hundido | Sunken |
Huraño | Unsociable |
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Spanish words that start with the letter H: Verbs
Spanish | English |
Haber | To have |
Habilitar | To qualify, entitled |
Habitar | To live in, inhabit |
Hablar | To speak, to talk |
Hacer | To do, to make |
Halagar | To flatter, to please |
Hallar | To find |
Haraganear | To laze around |
Hartar | To get tired of something |
Hechizar | To bewitch |
Heder | To stink |
Henchir | To fill up |
Hender | To cleave, split |
Heredar | To inherit |
Herir | To injure, hurt |
Hermosear | To beautify, embellish |
Herniarse | To rupture |
Hervir | To boil |
Hibernar | To hibernate |
Hidratar | To moisturize |
Higienizar | To clean, cleanse |
Hilar | To spin |
Hincar | To thrust, drive |
Hinchar | To blow up |
Hipar | To hiccup |
Hipnotizar | To hypnotize |
Hipotecar | To mortgage |
Hipotetizar | To hypothesize |
Hojear | To leaf through, to skim |
Hollar | To tread |
Homenajear | To tribute |
Hornear | To bake |
Hospedar | To lodge |
Hospitalizar | Hospitalize |
Hostigar | To wallop, sock, bush |
Huir | To run away, flee |
Humear | To smoke, give out smoke |
Humedecer | To moisten, dampen |
Humidificar | To humidify |
Humillar | To humiliate |
Hundir | To sink, destroy |
Spanish words that start with the letter H: Slang words
In the next section, I will include some Spanish Words that start with the letter H slang words.
Below the list, I will include some example sentences of how they are used.
Hartarse de | To fill up, pig out on something |
Harto (adjective) | Fed up |
Heder | To stink |
Hediondo | Stinky |
Hocico | (animal) snout, nose |
Hocicón | Gossipy |
Huevón/ona | Lazy, idle |
Huraño | Unsociable, shy |
Example sentence with hartarse de: “Me acabo de hartar cinco tortillas.” “I just stuffed my face with 5 tortillas!”
Example sentence of harto: “Él me tiene harta con todas su mentiras.” “ I am so fed up with all of his lies.”
Example sentence of heder: “¡Cómo hieden tus patas!” “Your feet stink!”
Example sentence of hediondo: “Se siente algo hediondo aquí.” “There is something stinky here.”
Example sentence of hocico: “¡Por favor, calláte el hocico.” “Please, shut your mouth.”
Example sentence of huevón/ana: “¡Tu no haces nada, tu eres un gran huevón! “You don’t do anything, you are so lazy!”
Example sentence of hocicón: “No le puedes contar nada a él porque es un gran hocicón” “You can’t tell him anything because he tells everybody.”
Example sentence of huraño: “La bebé es bien huraña, no deja que nadie le agarra.” The baby girl is very shy, she won’t let anyone hold her.”
Spanish words that start with the letter H: Curse Words
The following section will include a handful of bad words in Spanish that start with the letter H just in case you come across these words, you will already know what they are!
Hijadeputa / hijaputa | Son of a b***** |
Well damas y caballeros, that’s it for this list of Spanish words that start with H. While I did not include every single H word in Spanish, I did try to include the ones that I thought would be most useful in daily conversations.
Was this list of Spanish words that start with H helpful? Did you learn plenty of words? Did you find any hard Spanish words?If so, stay tuned, because I plan to get out a list of every letter of the alphabet!
Thank you for reading!
For additional resources, check out some of our most popular posts on Spanish language learning: