If you are working on a sports unit in your Spanish classroom, today’s post will cover all things sports in Spanish.
First, we will look a a list of sports vocabulary in Spanish.
Then, we will walk through different vocabulary that can be used in sports, including sports verbs, where sports take place, equipment used in sports and sports players.
Next, I will share some conversation starters that you can use to open dialogue in your classroom.
Lastly, I will share a FREE resource with you, 15 sports flashcards in Spanish, that you can get by subscribing at the end of this post!

How do you say sports in Spanish
Before we dive right into the list of sports in Spanish, first we need to learn how to say sports in Spanish.
Sport in Spanish is el deporte.
The plural form is los deportes.
Most popular sports in Spanish
Can you guess what the most popular sport in the world is?
With 3.5 billion followers it is….. football, or what we call in the U.S., soccer! Did you guess right?
To start this post off, I want to share some of the most popular sports in Spanish

Further down in this post, I will share a more extensive list of sports in Spanish.
If you are teaching sports vocabulary to children, it’s important first to start with sports they are familiar with before diving into less known vocabulary.
Below is a list of the most popular sports in Spanish!
Baseball | Béisbol |
Basketball | Baloncesto |
Boxing | Boxeo |
Bowling | Boliche |
Cricket | El críquet |
Fishing | Pesca |
Football | Fútbol americano |
Lacrosse | Lacrosse |
Hockey (field/ice) | Hockey sobre (césped/hielo) |
Karate | Kárate |
Jump Rope | Saltar a la cuerda |
Running | Correr |
Skating | Patinaje |
Skiing | Esquí |
Soccer | Fútbol |
Softball | Sóftbol |
Volleyball | Vóleibol |
Wrestling | Lucha |
Spanish Sports Vocabulary
Below you can find a list of sports in Spanish in alphabetical order.
Take note, many of the sports in Spanish and English are cognates, meaning they have the same linguistic derivation as each other. Take, for example, béisbol. It is spelled differently, but it sounds very similar to the English word, baseball.
Then you also have borrowed, or loan words such as golf. In Spanish golf is el golf. Don’t let the same spelling confuse you though, these words have different pronunciations.
For pronunciation of the sports in Spanish, I will link a link to a video at the end of the list.
Acrobatics | Acrobacia |
Aerobics | Ejercicio aeróbico |
Archery | Tiro con arco |
Athletics | Aletismo |
Badminton | Bádmintón |
Baseball | Béisbol |
Basketball | Baloncesto |
Beach Volleyball | Vóleibol de playa |
Bodybuilding | Fisioculturismo |
Boxing | Boxeo |
Bowling | Boliche |
Canoeing | Canotaje |
Car racing | Automovilismo |
Chess | Ajedrez |
Cricket | Críquet |
Cycling | Ciclismo |
Darts | Dardos |
Fencing | Esgrima |
Fishing | Pesca |
American Football | Fútbol americano |
Golf | Golf |
Gymnastics | Gimnasia |
Hiking | Senderismo |
Hockey (field/ice) | Hockey sobre (césped/hielo) |
Karate | Kárate |
Kickboxing | Kickboxing |
Jump Rope | Saltar a la cuerda |
Lacrosse | Lacrosse |
Martial Arts | Artes marciales |
Motorcycling | Motociclismo |
Mountaineering | Montañismo |
Mountain biking | Ciclismo de montaña |
Paddle Tennis | Pádel |
Parachuting | Paracaidismo |
Paragliding | Parapente |
Pole Vaulting | Salto con pértiga |
Race walking | Macha atlética |
Racketball | Ráquetbol |
Rock Climbing | Escalada |
Roller skating | Patinaje sobre ruedas |
Rope climbing | Escalada de cuerda |
Rugby | Rugby |
Rowing | Remo |
Running | Correr |
Sailing | Vela |
Scuba diving | Buceo |
Skating | Patinaje |
Skiing | Esquí |
Snorkeling | Bucear |
Snowboarding | Snowboard |
Soccer | Fútbol |
Softball | Sóftbol |
Stretching | Estiramiento |
Surfing | Surf |
Swimming | Natación |
Table tennis | Tenis de mesa |
Tennis | Tenis |
Volleyball | Vóleibol |
Water Ski | Esquí acuático |
Weight lifting | Levantamiento de pesas |
Wrestling | Lucha |
More Spanish Vocabulary about Sports
Below I am going to share some sport vocabulary in the following categories, verb, where sports take place, sports equipment, and player positions.

Spanish Sport Verbs
Ganar | To win |
Perder | To lose |
Jugar | To play |
Calentar | To warm-up |
Nadar | To swim |
Estirar | To stretch |
Patinar | To skate |
Caer | To fall |
Pelea | To fight |
Correr | To run |
Saltar | To jump |
Patear | To kick |
Servir | To serve |
Rematar | To spike |
Pegar | To hit |
Regatear | To dribble |
Tirar | To throw |
Agarrar | To catch |
Empatar | To tie |
Balancear | To swing |
Pasar | To pass |
To steal | Robar |
Where sports take place
La cancha | Field/court |
La pista | Track/Rink |
La piscina | Pool |
El estado | Stadium |
El campo de golf | Golf course |
El gimnasio | Gym |
Sports equipment in Spanish
La pelota | Ball |
El bate | Bat |
La raqueta | Racket |
El guante de béisbol | Baseball Glove |
El arco | Goal |
La red | Net |
El disco | Puck/disc |
Las espinilleras | Shin gaurds |
Los zapatos | Shoes |
El taco | Cleat |
Player positions in Spanish
El árbitro | Referee |
El entrenedor | Coach |
El jugador | Player |
El portero | Goalie |
El defensa | Defense |
El centrocampista | Midfielder |
El delantero | Forward |
El lanzador | Pitcher |
El receptor | Catcher |
El futbolista | Soccer player |
El beisbolista | Baseball player |
El jardinero | Outfielder |
El base | Point guard |
La escolta | Shooting guard |
El alero | Forward |
El equinero | Cornerback |
La animadora | Cheerleader |
El pasador | Quarterback |
La guardia | Gaurd |
Alright, I tried to cover a wide range of vocabulary that can be found in the most popular sports. Nevertheless, there is always more Spanish vocabulary that could be added to the list. I will cover those in individual posts in the near future!
Now let’s move into basic conversation starters that you can use in your classroom.
Sports in Spanish: Conversation starters
Now that we have browsed through the comprehensive list of sports in Spanish, let’s take a peek at some conversation starters that you can use to practice sport vocabulary.

Below is a list of questions that you could use to get your students talking about sports.
Ask them out loud, or have them practice writing in Spanish by answering a few of the following questions.
¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito? | What is your favorite sport? |
¿Practicas algún deporte? | Do you play any sports? |
¿Te gusta jugar (deporte)? | Do you like playing (sport)? |
¿te gusta ver deportes en la television? | Do you like watching sports on TV? |
¿Has ido a ver algún partido en un estadio? | Have you gone to see a sport at a stadium? |
¿Te gusta más el (deporte) o el (deporte) | Which sport do you like more, (sport) or (sport)? |
¿Has practicado artes marciales? | Have you done martial arts? |
¿Te gusta nadar? | Do you like swimming? |
I hope you found a conversation starter to get your awesome students talking in Spanish! Now, let’s move on to the free resource, sports in Spanish flashcards!
Sports in Spanish Flashcards Free printable flashcards
A great way to teach sports in your Spanish class is by using flashcards.
Today I have a set of 15 bilingual, watercolor sport flashcards in Spanish that I want to share with you. And guesss what? They’re FREE! Woohoo for Freebies!!
What sports words come in these flashcards?

In this set of 15 sports flashcards in Spanish you can find the following words:
El baloncesto | Basketball |
El béisbol | Baseball |
El fútbol americano | Football |
El vóleibol | Volleyball |
El fútbol | Soccer |
El boxeo | Boxing |
El boliche | Bowling |
El golf | Golf |
El surf | Surf |
El tenis | Tennis |
El senderismo | Hiking |
El esquí | Skiing |
El patinaje sobre el hielo | Ice skating |
Saltar a la cuerda | Jump Rope |
El badminton | Badminton |
How can you get your free sports in Spanish flashcards? Easy. All you have to do is subscribe in the box at the end of this post. From there, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. One you confirm, you will receive a welcome e-mail from me with a secret password and instructions on how to access these sport flashcards, as well as over 40+ free Spanish printables!
Now, before you subscribe, check out some fun ways you can use these sports in Spanish flashcards!
- The best ways to memorize words is to print off two sets and use them as a memory matching game. This activity is perfect for younger children to practice language development and memorization skills to connect the spoken word to the image. Make sure every time you flip over a card, you say the name of what’s on it!
- Play a fun game by having your child stand on the opposite side of the room as you, or even better outside. First, shuffle the flashcards. Then, lift a flashcard and show your child. Lastly, if they guess it right, they can take a step or hop forward! If they mess up, a step backward! Will they make it to where you are?
- Here is a fun Spanish game you could play with more advanced students. This game involves the Hedbanz game which is a fun family, or classroom guessing game. Use your laminated sports flashcards in Spanish and have players ask questions to the other plays to try and figure out what sport vocabulary they have in their band. Below are some example sentences and questions:
¿Este deporte usa una pelota?
¿En este deporte se usa las manos o los pies con la pelota?
¿Se usa un casco es este deporte?
¿Se juega este deporte a dentro o a fuera?
What a great game to use the se personal right?

- You could play a bilingual game and say the version in English. Have your child repeat it in Spanish and vice versa.
- Bring in any sport equipment into the classroom. Let your students touch and feel the items. Talk about the items in Spanish. Then have them sort the items into the relevant categories. This will help your students remember the sports in Spanish.
- Place the flashcards face up on a table and see how fast your child can recognize the Spanish space vocabulary.
- Another fun way is to play Slapjack by placing all of the flashcards face down on a table. Say a word on the list and have your child flip the cards over until they find the correct space vocabulary word.
More Spanish Flashcards for kids
- 22 Space Flashcards in Spanish for Kids
- Spanish Numbers 1-30: Free Printable Flashcards for Kids
- 23 Transportation Vocabulary Flashcards in Spanish for Kids
- Family Words in Spanish Free Printable Bilingual Flashcards
- 24 Bilingual Spanish/English Emotions Flashcards
- 24 Beach Words in Spanish to Prepare for La Playa This Summer! [Free Printable Flashcards]
Alright, now that you know a few fun ways to use your sports in Spanish flashcards, head to the box directly below and enter in your e-mail. Don’t forget to confirm. If you do not see a confirmation email, check your spam folder, sometimes they like to land there.
Well I hope you enjoyed today’s post about sports in Spanish. Stay tuned for my next post on hobbies in Spanish!
¡Hasta pronto!
More Spanish resources:
- Planets in Spanish: A Complete Guide + Learning Activities for Kids
- Spanish Words for Days of the Week
- Happy Birthday Songs in Spanish: Free Printable Lyrics and Coloring Pages for Kids
- Learning Body Parts in Spanish: Vocabulary + Free Printable Worksheet & Flashcards for Kids

Thursday 6th of June 2024
Looking for the Sports in Spanish
Saturday 20th of July 2024
Hi Jacqueline,
It looks like you are an active subscribe – thank you! Make sure to head to the Free Spanish Printable Library to find the sports flashcards! Reach out with any questions or if you're still experiencing difficulties: [email protected]