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Spanish Numbers 1-30: Free Printable Flashcards for Kids

Looking for a way to teach your child their Spanish numbers quickly and with a fun approach?

I’m here to help because, in today’s post, we’re going to focus on Spanish Numbers 1-30, their pronunciation, and fun ways that you can learn the Spanish numbers with your children or students today.

At the end of this post, you have the option to subscribe to my e-mail list and have access to a FREE PDF file of Spanish Numbers 1-30 flashcards.

Keep reading to learn more about the Spanish numbers 1-30, and ways to get your child learning and memorizing their numbers in Spanish ahorita mismo!

How to say Number in Spanish

Before we dive right into the Spanish numbers 1-30, let’s first learn how to say “number” in Spanish.

The word number in Spanish is número. Yay, a cognate!

When speaking about numbers, you will simply use número before every number and it’s as easy as that!

Número uno, número dos, número tres. You get the gist.

Spanish Numbers 1-30

Now that we know how to say número, let’s take a glance at the Spanish numbers 1-30 and a few rules.

Below are the Spanish numbers 1-30:

NumberSpanish spelling

Spanish numbers are not difficult to learn. The numbers in Spanish only have a few rules which I will mention below. With a little practice and memorization, your child will be learning the Spanish numbers 1-30 in no time.

Some Spanish number rules to remember

  1. All Spanish numbers are singular, masculine nouns, except for number one.
  2. “One” in Spanish is used differently than in English because it can take on one of three forms; uno, un and una. How do you know which form to use? That will depend on the noun you are describing.

If the number one comes before a masculine singular noun use un. 

Un zapato, un teléfono, un barco, un carro.

If the number one comes before a feminine singular noun, use una

Una cama, una camisa, una amiga.

You might be thinking, when do we use uno then? You only use uno when you aren’t saying the noun.

For example, if someone asks you How many dogs do you have in Spanish:

 “¿Cuántos perros tienes?

Let’s say you have one dog, so you could respond:

“Tengo un perro.”

Or you could drop the noun since it’s already implied in the question and respond:

“Tengo uno.”

Does that make sense? If not, I’ll leave this video below explaining número uno in Spanish in further detail.

Spanish Number Videos For Kids

A great way to learn the pronunciation of the Spanish numbers 1-30 is by watching videos.

One pronunciation rule to remember: There are different ways to pronounce the letters c and z. In Latin America, the letters c and z are pronounced like the letter S, whereas in Spain you will hear the TH sound.

Below I will link to a handful of helpful YouTube videos that will help your child or students memorize their Spanish numbers and in the meantime, nail the proper pronunciation.

Related: YouTube Channels in Spanish for Kids

The first video is by my favorite YouTube Channel in Spanish for kids, El Reino Infantil whose channel has very catchy tunes for kids to watch and learn. This video counts to ten and compares the form of the numbers to different things. Super cute.

The following video is my second favorite video for kids on counting in Spanish from 1-10. Also by El Reino Infantil, it has a very catchy tune that will have your children counting to ten today.

Below is a fun video by Basho & Friends that count to 10.

Below is a short video that works on numbers 1-10 and back down again.

Next is a video by Pinkfong en español counting from 1-20 by counting beans.

Next is a video that counts to 20 with a Spanish accent. Hence the narrator uses TH when pronouncing Cs and Zs.

Following is a video with Spanish numbers 1-30.

Picture Books About Numbers in Spanish

Another great way of teaching numbers in Spanish to your child is by reading books. Below I will mention a few board and picture books about numbers in Spanish that you might want to add to your Spanish library.

Babies love Números

Perfect for ages 1-3

In this flap-up board book with simple sentences, your baby or toddler will learn counting and numbers.

Los números de Lucía

Perfect for babies to age three.

This is a fun book about two little girls who are playing with numbers when all of the sudden a big gush of air comes and sweeps away the numbers. Now the little girls must find the Spanish numbers one by one.

Llama Llama Números

Perfect for babies to 3-year-olds.

Llama Llama needs to help his mama pick up all the mess he made, starting with ten items and making the way down to zero. No more mess!

Los 10 zapatos de Cenicienta

Perfect for ages 2-5

Learn numbers and counting by learning how many shoes Cinderella lost.

Even more numbers and counting books in Spanish:

  1. El libro de contar de Crayola ® (The Crayola ® Counting Book) (Conceptos Crayola ® (Crayola ® Concepts)) (Spanish Edition)
    El libro de contar de Crayola ® (The Crayola ® Counting Book) (Conceptos Crayola ® (Crayola ® Concepts)) (Spanish Edition)
    Buy Now

    We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

  2. Los monstruos juegan . . . A Contar! (Monsters Play) (Spanish Edition)
    Los monstruos juegan . . . A Contar! (Monsters Play) (Spanish Edition)
    Buy Now

    We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

  3. Bright Baby Touch & Feel: Bilingual Numbers / Números: English-Spanish Bilingual (Bright Baby Touch and Feel) (Spanish Edition)
    Bright Baby Touch & Feel: Bilingual Numbers / Números: English-Spanish Bilingual (Bright Baby Touch and Feel) (Spanish Edition)
    Buy Now

    We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

  4. Babies Love Numeros (Spanish Edition)
    Babies Love Numeros (Spanish Edition)
    Buy Now

    We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

Spanish numbers 1-30 Free Printable Flashcards

Now that you know the pronunciation of the Spanish numbers 1-30, the next step is memorizing the numbers.

So now it’s time to download and print off your set of free printable Spanish number flashcards.

To get your free printable Spanish number flashcards, subscribe in the box at the end of this post. From there, you will receive a welcome e-mail enclosed with a seasonal passcode that you can use to enter my Free Printable Spanish Library, where you can access your Spanish numbers flashcards. You will also have access to many more free Spanish printables to use in your classroom or home.

Below I will list 8 ways that you can use the free printable Spanish numbers 1-30 flashcards at home or in the classroom to help your children memorize the Spanish numbers.

Ways that you can use the Spanish number flashcards:

  • Play a memory game

Print out two sets of Spanish number flashcards. Cut out the cards and shuffle them up. Lay them face down on a surface. Take turns flipping over cards to find matching numbers.

Remember, there are 30 flashcards in this set. That would equal 60 total cards, which will make for a long game, great for older children.

For younger children, only use numbers 1-10, or higher, if you wish.

  • Unscramble the numbers

Hand your child a range of numbers, 1-10, 1-20, or 1-30, and have them place the cards in order from lowest to highest.

Spanish Numbers 1-30: Free Printable Flashcards for Kids

For more advanced students, you could ask them to put the numbers backward or have them place the numbers in order by twos, fives, or even tens. Likewise, you could have them separate the Spanish numbers by evens or odds (pares y impares.)

  • Number scavenger hunt

Hide a range of numbers throughout your house, or classroom. Have your child take a basket, or bag, and go around the room collecting different numbers.

Once they have collected the number, have them lay the numbers out and try to find which numbers they are missing. If numbers are missing, have them continue the search.

If you are doing this in a class setting, have your students go around and collect numbers. Then come back to the seats and have your children say what numbers they found, in Spanish, of course.

Related: 40+ Scavenger Hunt Lists Ideas for Kids of All Ages

  • Salt writing

A salt writing tray is great prewriting practice for young kids.

Pour some salt (or sand, sugar, flour, etc.) into a small tray. Shuffle the number flashcards and put them face down. Have your child flip over a card and write the number in the sand using their pointer finger.

To erase the number, gently shake the tray. Then, draw the last number.

  • Car call-outs

Keep a set of Spanish number flashcards in the car. On your next car ride or road trip, draw from a card at random and see if your child can find that number on a sign or license plate.

  • Musical numbers

This is a great activity to learn the numbers in your classroom.

Place the numbers in a circle around the room.

Put on a song and have your children walk in a circle around the numbers. When the music stops, have your children find a number to stand on. Go around the room and ask the children what number they are standing on.

Once they all repeat which number, remove a number and see who is the last student standing.

  • Graphing with objects

Give your child a handful of cards. With loose parts such as coins or Legos, challenge your child to place the correct number of objects above the card.

Read more: Stop Buying Toys, and Start Playing With Loose Parts!


If you’re already part of our subscriber community, head over to the Free Spanish Printable Library (FSPL) and input the seasonal, case-sensitive password provided in each email I send your way!

New to Lorena & Lennox, Bilingual Beginnings, or simply haven’t subscribed yet? You can easily join us by entering your email address at the end of this post. By subscribing, you’ll not only gain exclusive access to this printable but also 100+ engaging seasonal and holiday-themed printables for kids in Spanish!

Once you’re subscribed, please ensure to check your inbox for a confirmation email. In case it’s not there, glance at your junk or spam folder as sometimes it accidentally ends up there. After confirming your subscription, a welcome email will follow, containing the passcode to unlock the FSPL.


  • This free printable is for personal use and personal classroom use (to share this resource, please direct others to this post to grab their free copy)
  • This free printable may NOT be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other site (including blog, Facebook, Dropbox, etc.)
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  • The Graphics that I use are purchased and used with permission.
  • I make free printables for my readers and my family. Your frequent visits to my blog & support purchasing through affiliates links and ads help support my blog! ¡Gracias!

More Spanish resources for little learners:


Wednesday 26th of July 2023

Love your ideas!!! And printables


Tuesday 1st of August 2023

Thank you so much, Ana. Please reach out to me if you are looking for any printable in particular!