In this post you can find a collection of Spanish words that start with the O.
This list of Spanish vocabulary words that start with O features over 200 Spanish words. While it may not encompass every single Spanish word starting with O, it does include a selection of common words and not-so-common words that I believe will be valuable for English speakers to learn. These words can assist in daily conversations and enhance your Spanish language skills.
I will break up the Spanish O words into the following categories and each category will be alphabetical order. Click the category links below to jump right to that section!
Working with the letter O in Spanish with your preschoolers and kindergarteners? Check out these letter O printable activities in Spanish that you can access for FREE today!
Pronunciation of the Letter O in Spanish
In Spanish, the letter “o” is pronounced as a short vowel sound. It is similar to the “o” sound in the English word “hot.” The pronunciation of “o” in Spanish is consistent and does not change based on its position in a word.
Alright, now that you have a basic understanding of how to pronounce the letter O in Spanish, let’s move on to the following list of words in Spanish that start with O. I will sprinkle a few example sentences throughout the post where I see fit.
Spanish Nouns That Start With O
Below you can find a list of Spanish words that start with o that are nouns. Remember that if it is a singular masculine noun, it will care the article el beforehand, los for plural masculine nouns. For feminine nouns, use la for singular feminine nouns, and las for plural feminine nouns.
Below are a few tips to help you understand the gender of the noun.
In Spanish, the endings of nouns can often provide clues about their gender and can help determine whether they are masculine or feminine. While there are exceptions and irregularities, understanding common noun endings can be helpful when identifying the gender of a noun. Here are some key noun endings and their typical gender associations:
- Masculine Noun Endings:
- -o: Many nouns ending in -o are masculine, such as “perro” (dog) or “libro” (book).
- -e: Some nouns ending in -e are masculine, like “coche” (car) or “café” (coffee).
- -or: Nouns ending in -or are typically masculine, such as “actor” (actor) or “doctor” (doctor).
- Feminine Noun Endings:
- -a: Many nouns ending in -a are feminine, like “casa” (house) or “silla” (chair).
- -ción/-sión: Nouns ending in -ción or -sión are usually feminine, such as “información” (information) or “explosión” (explosion).
- -dad/-tad/-tud: Nouns ending in -dad, -tad, or -tud are typically feminine, like “amistad” (friendship) or “actitud” (attitude).
It’s important to note that these patterns are not absolute rules, and there are exceptions. Some words have the same form for both masculine and feminine, while others change meaning depending on the gender. Additionally, there are nouns with irregular endings that do not follow the usual patterns. To determine the gender of a noun, it is advisable to consult a dictionary or refer to specific language resources.
Spanish | English |
Oasis | Oasis |
Obsecación | Blindness |
Obediencia | Obedience |
Obesidad | Obesity |
Obispo | Bishop |
Obituario | Obituary |
Objeción | Objection |
Objetividad | Objectivity |
Objeto | Object |
Obligación | Obligation |
Obra | Work of art, workmanship |
Ej: El artista presentó su última obra en la galería de arte.
Ex: The artist presented his latest work at the art gallery.
Obrador | Bakery |
Obraje | Sawmill, timberyard |
Obrero | Worker |
Obscenidad | Obscenity |
Obsequio | Gift, present |
Observación | Observation |
Observador | Observer |
Observancia | Observance |
Observatorio | Observatory |
Obsesión | Obsession |
Obstáculo | Obstacle |
Obstrucción | Obstruction |
Obtención | Obtainment |
Obviedad | Obvious remark |
Ocasión | Occasion |
Ocaso | Decline, sunset |
Occidente | Western world |
Océano | Ocean |
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Oceanografía | Oceanography |
Oceanógrafo | Oceanographer |
Ocio | Leisure |
Octágono | Octogonal |
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Octava | Octave |
Octavilla | Pamphlet, leaflet |
Octubre | October |
Ocupación | Occupation |
Ocupante | Occupant |
Ocurrencia | Idea |
Odio | Hatred |
Ej: Es importante promover el diálogo y la comprensión mutua para superar el odio y construir sociedades más pacíficas.
Ex: It is important to promote dialogue and mutual understanding to overcome hatred and build more peaceful societies.
Related: 40 Gratitude Quotes in Spanish
Odontología | Dentistry |
Ofensa | Offense |
Ofensa | Offense |
Oferta | Offer |
Ofertorio | Offertory |
Oficial | Officer |
Oficiante | Officiant, celebrant |
Oficina | Office |
Oficinista | Office worker |
Oficio | Occupation |
Ofrecimiento | Offer |
Ofrenda | Tribute |
Ogro | Ogre |
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Oído | Ear |
Ojeada | Glance |
Ojeras | Dark ring around eyes |
Ojo | Eye |
Check out some idioms for ojo:
- “Echar un ojo”: To take a look or glance at something.
- “No pegar ojo”: To not be able to sleep. It refers to a situation where someone cannot sleep, usually due to worry or restlessness.
- “Tener ojo clínico”: To have a keen eye or sharp perception. It means to have the ability to notice details or to be perceptive.
- “Hacer ojitos”: To make eyes at someone. It refers to the act of using flirtatious or seductive eye gestures.
Ola | Ocean wave |
Oleada | Big wave |
Óleo | Oil |
Olfato | Smell, sense of smell |
Oligarca | Oligarch |
Oligopolio | Oligarchy |
Olimpiada | Olympiad |
Oliva | Olive |
Olivo | Olive tree |
Olla | Pot, pan |
Ombligo | Belly Button |
Omisión | Omission |
Omnipotencia | Omnipotence |
Omoplato | Shoulder blade |
Oncología | Oncology |
Onda | Wave |
Slang Word Alert
“Onda” is a slang term commonly used in Mexican Spanish and other Central American countries. It has various meanings depending on the context. Here are a few of its slang meanings:
Vibe/Atmosphere: “Onda” is often used to describe the overall atmosphere or vibe of a place or situation.
- Example: “Este lugar tiene una buena onda” (This place has a good vibe).
Cool/Awesome: “Onda” can also be used to express something as cool, awesome, or great.
- Example: “Esa canción está muy onda” (That song is really cool).
Friend/Friendly: “Onda” can refer to someone who is friendly or a friend.
- Example: “Ella es una buena onda” (She is a friendly person).
Style/Appearance: In some contexts, “onda” can refer to someone’s style or appearance.
- Example: “Tienes una onda muy original” (You have a very unique style).
It’s important to note that slang terms can have regional variations and evolve over time, so their meanings may differ in different contexts or countries.
Related: 70+ Salvadoran Slang Words and Phrases You Need to Know!
Onza | Ounce |
Ópalo | Opal |
Opción | Option |
Ópera | Opera |
Operación | Operation |
Operador | Operator |
Operario | Operative, worker |
Opiáceo | Opiate |
Opinión | Opinion |
Opio | Opium |
Oponente | Opponent |
Oportunidad | Opportunity |
Oposición | Opposition |
Opositor | Opponent |
Opresión | Oppression |
Optimismo | Optimism |
Related: 65+ Positive Spanish Quotes To Encourage an Optimistic Life
Opulencia | Luxury |
Oración | Prayer |
Oráculo | Oracle |
Orador | Speaker, orator |
Orbe | Orb |
Orden | Order |
Ordenación | Order |
Ordenador | Computer |
Ordenamiento | Legislation |
Ordeñadora | Milking machine |
Orégano | Oregano |
Looking for ways to learn Spanish fast? Check out these 12 ways that I became fluent in Spanish outside of the classroom.
Oreja | Ear |
Organato | Orphanage |
Organismo | Organism |
Organizador | Organizer |
Organización | Organization |
Órgano | Organ |
Orgasmo | Orgasm |
Orgía | Orgy |
Orgullo | Pride |
Ej: Ella caminó hacia el escenario con orgullo, sintiéndose orgullosa de sus logros y sabiendo que había trabajado arduamente para llegar allí.
Ex: She walked onto the stage with pride, feeling proud of her accomplishments and knowing that she had worked hard to get there.
Orientación | Orientation |
Oriente | East |
Orificio | Orifice, hole |
Origen | Origin |
Original | Original |
Orilla | Bank, shore |
Ej: Nos sentamos en la orilla del río, disfrutando de la suave brisa y observando cómo el agua fluía tranquilamente.
Ex: We sat on the riverbank, enjoying the gentle breeze and watching the water flow peacefully.
Orines | Urine |
Ornamento | Ornament |
Ornato | adornment |
Ornitorrinco | Platypus |
Oro | Gold |
Orquesta | Orchestra |
Orquídea | Orchid |
Ortodoxia | Orthodox |
Ortografía | Spelling |
Oruga | Caterpillar |
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Osadía | Daring, boldness |
Oscilación | Swinging, swaying |
Oscuridad | Dark |
Oso | Bear |
Ostentación | Ostentation, show, display |
Ostra | Oyster |
Otoño | Autumn |
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Ovación | Ovation |
Óvalo | Oval |
Ovario | Ovary |
Oveja | Sheep |
Ovillo | Wool ball |
Ovulación | Ovulation |
Oxidación | Rusting |
Oxígeno | Oxygen |
Oyente | Listener |
Ozono | Ozone |
Spanish Adjectives and Adverbs That Start With O
Spanish | English |
Obcecado | Blind, mentally blinded |
Obediente | Obedient |
Obeso | Obese |
Objetivamente | Objectively |
Oblicuo | Oblique |
Obligado | Forced |
Obligatorio | Mandatory |
Ej: Es obligatorio llevar mascarilla en lugares públicos para prevenir la propagación del virus.
Ex :It is mandatory to wear a mask in public places to prevent the spread of the virus.
Obsceno | Obscene |
Obsequioso | Deferential |
Obsesivo | Obsessive |
Obseso | Obsessed |
Obsoleto | Obsolete |
Obstinado | Obstinate |
Obtuso | Obtuse |
Obviamente | Obviously |
Obvio | Obvious |
Ocasional | Chance, accidental |
Occidental | Western |
Océanico | Oceanic |
Ochenta | Eighty |
Ocho | Eight |
Ochocientos | Eight hundred |
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Ocioso | Idle |
Octagonal | Octogonal |
Octavo | Eighth |
Oculto | Hidden |
Ocupacional | Occupational |
Ocupado | Busy, taken |
Ocurrente | Witty, entertaining |
Odioso | Hateful |
Oeste | Western |
Ofendido | Offended |
Oficial | Official |
Oficialmente | Officially |
Ojeroso | Haggard, to have bags under eyes |
Olfativo | Olfactory |
Oligárquico | Oligarchic |
Oligofrénico | Mentally handicap |
Olímpico | Olympic |
Oloroso | Sweet-smelling, fragrant |
Ej: El jardín está lleno de flores olorosas que perfuman todo el ambiente.
Ex:The garden is filled with fragrant flowers that perfume the entire atmosphere.
Olvidadizo | Forgetful |
Omnímodo | All-embracing, absolute |
Omnipotente | Omnipotent, all-powerful |
Omnívoro | Omnivorous |
Once | Eleven |
Onceavo | Eleventh |
Ondulado | Uneven, rough, rolling |
Ej: Su cabello ondulado le da un aspecto natural y elegante.
Ex: Her wavy hair gives her a natural and elegant look.
Onzavo | Eleventh |
Opaco | Opaque |
Opcional | Optional |
Operacional | Operational |
Operante | Operating |
Operativo | Operative |
Oponente | Opposing |
Oportunamente | Opportunely |
Oportunista | Opportunist |
Oportuno | Opportune |
Opresivo | Oppressive |
Opresor | Oppressive |
Optativo | Optional |
Óptimamente | Ideally |
Óptimo | Ideal |
Ej: El equipo de trabajo logró un rendimiento óptimo durante el proyecto, alcanzando todos los objetivos establecidos.
Ex: The work team achieved optimal performance during the project, reaching all the established goals.
Opuesto | Opposite |
Opulento | Luxurious |
Opusino | Sanctimonious |
Oral | Oral |
Ordenado | Tidy |
Ordinal | Ordinal |
Ordinario | Ordinary |
Orgánico | Organic |
Organizador | Organizing |
Orgulloso | Proud |
Oriental | Oriental |
Orientativo | Guiding, illustrative |
Original | Original |
Originario | Original |
Oriundo | Indigenous to |
Ej: El famoso escritor Gabriel García Márquez, oriundo de Colombia, dejó un legado literario impresionante con sus obras maestras como “Cien años de soledad”.
Ex: The renowned writer Gabriel García Márquez, originally from Colombia, left an impressive literary legacy with his masterpieces like “One Hundred Years of Solitude.”
Ornamental | Ornamental |
Orondo | Potbellied |
Orquestal | Orchestral |
Ortodoxo | Orthodox |
Ortográfico | Spelling |
Osado | Daring, bold |
Oscuro | Dark |
Óseo | Bony |
Ostentoso | Ostentatious |
Otoñal | Autumnal |
Related: 15 Spanish Fall Books To Read This Otoño
Otro | Another |
Ovalado | Oval |
Oxigenado | Oxygenated |
Spanish Verbs That Start With O
Spanish | English |
Obcecarse | To become obsessed |
Obedecer | To obey |
Objetar | To object |
Obligar | To force |
Obrar | To act, to work, to be in one’s possession |
Ej: El detective utilizó las pruebas encontradas para obrar en contra del sospechoso y resolver el caso.
Ex: The detective used the evidence found to act against the suspect and solve the case.
Observar | To observe |
Obsesionar | To haunt, obsess |
Obstaculizar | To hinder |
Obstinarse | To dig one’s heels in, persist in doing something |
Obstruir | To obstruct |
Obtener | To obtain, win |
Ocasionar | To cause |
Ej: El accidente de tráfico ocasionó daños materiales en varios vehículos.
Ex: The car accident caused property damage to several vehicles.
Ocultar | To hide |
Ocupar | To take up, to hold, to fill |
Ocurrir | To happen |
Odiar | To hate |
Ofender | To offend |
Ofertar | To offer |
Oficiar | To conduct |
Ofrecer | To offer |
Ofrecerse | To offer itself |
Ofuscar | To dazzle, bewilder |
Oír | To hear |
Ej: Me encanta oír el sonido de las olas del mar mientras paseo por la playa.
Ex: I love hearing the sound of the ocean waves while I walk along the beach.
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Oler | To smell |
Olfatear | To smell, to sniff |
Olisquear | To smell, to sniff gently |
Olvidar | To forget |
Omitir | To leave out |
Ondear | To wave, to ripple |
Ondular | To wave |
Opacar | To make opaque |
Operar | To produce, operate |
Opinar | To think |
Ej: Me gustaría opinar sobre el tema de la educación pública y la necesidad de invertir más recursos en ella para mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza.
Ex: I would like to express my opinion on the topic of public education and the need to invest more resources in order to improve the quality of teaching.
Oprimir | To exert pressure on |
Optar | To choose, decide |
Orar | To pray |
Ordenar | To arrange, tidy |
Oredeñar | To milk |
Orear | To air, get fresh air |
Organizar | To organize |
Oritentar | To position, direct |
Originar | To cause |
Ej: El mal tiempo puede originar retrasos en los vuelos.
Ex: Bad weather can cause delays in flights.
Related: Weather Worksheets and Flashcards in Spanish for Preschoolers
Orillar | To skirt, go around |
Orinar | To urinate |
Orquestrar | To orchestrate |
Osar | To dare |
Oscilar | To swing, oscillate |
Oscurecer | To get dark |
Ostentar | To show, flaunt |
Otear | To scan |
Otorgar | To grant |
Ovacionar | To cheer, applaud |
Ovillar | To wind, wind into a ball |
Avular | To ovulate |
Oxidar | To rust |
Oxigenar | To oxygenate |
I hope you found plenty of Spanish words that start with the letter O to add to your vocabulary bank. Let me know what your favorite Spanish words that start with O are in the comment below. For more vocabulary words, check out the following Spanish resources:
- 300+ Adjectives in Spanish that Start with A
- A list of 200+ Spanish Words That Start With H
- A List of 300 + Spanish Words That Start With the Letter V
Are you a Spanish teacher teaching the letters to your students? Check out some of our free letter printables for a fun way to learn the letters.
- Spanish Alphabet Printable With Animal Words for Each Letter
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