In this compilation, I will be sharing a comprehensive list of Spanish words that start with the letter V. This extensive list includes over 300 Spanish vocabulary words beginning with V.
While it may not encompass every V word in Spanish, it does include words that I believe will be particularly useful for English speakers to know, as well as words that can greatly enhance daily conversations.
The Spanish V words are categorized and presented in alphabetical order for easier navigation. You can simply click on the category links below to directly access the desired section.

What is the Name of the Letter V in Spanish?
According to the Real Academia Española:
The letter “V” has two names: “uve” and “ve.”
The name “uve” is used exclusively in Spain, but it is also known and used in a large part of Latin America, where, however, the name “ve” is more widespread.
Spanish speakers who use the name “ve” often accompany it with the adjectives “corta,” “chica,” “chiquita,” “pequeña,” or “ve baja” to distinguish it in oral language from the name of the letter “B” (be), which is pronounced exactly the same.
The fact that the name “uve” can be distinguished without the need for additions from the name of the letter “B” justifies its choice as the recommended denomination for “V” throughout the Spanish-speaking world.
Spanish pronunciation of the Letter V in Spanish
In the Spanish language, the letter V at the beginning of a word ” is pronounced similarly to the letter B.
The standard pronunciation is a voiced bilabial fricative sound, which means that the lips lightly touch each other while air is forced out. However, in many regions of Spain and Latin America, the pronunciation of V is indistinguishable from letters B.
It’s important to note that there are a few exceptions to the general pronunciation rule. For example, in some loanwords from other languages, the letter V may be pronounced as it is in the original language. Additionally, in certain dialects or accents, the pronunciation may vary slightly.
Overall, when pronouncing the letter “V” in Spanish, it’s safe to use a sound that is a combination of V and B, with the lips touching lightly and air gently passing through.
Now that we know how to say the letter V in Spanish and it’s pronunciation, let’s dive into this list of 300+ Spanish words that start with the letter V.
Spanish Words That Start With the letter V: Nouns
The first category of words in this list are Spanish nouns. In this list you can find a variety of easy nouns as well as hard Spanish words. Likewise, you can find words that are cognates, or that have a similar Spanish spelling to the English equivalent.
Spanish | English |
Vaca | Cow |
Vacilación | Hesitation |
Vacuna | Vaccine |
Vagina | Vagina |
Vagón | Coach, carriage |
Vaguería | Laziness, idleness |
Vaina | *Slang for problem, snag |
*Fun fact: one of my favorite songs when I first learned Spanish is “Una vaina loca” by Fuego.
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Vainilla | Vanilla |
Vaivén | Swing |
Vajilla | Dinnerware |
Valedor | Protector, guardian |
Valentía | Bravery, courage |
Valía | Worth |
Valija | Suitcase |
Valor | Worth |
Ej: Los valores éticos y morales son fundamentales para construir una sociedad justa y equitativa.
Ex: Ethical and moral values are essential to building a fair and equitable society.
Valoración | Estimate |
Vampiro | Vampire |
Vanagloria | Vainglory |
Vandalismo | Vandalism |
Vanguardia | Vanguard |
Vanidad | Vanity |
Vapor | Steam, vapor |
Vaquero | Cowboy |
Varicela | Chickenpox |
Variedad | Variety |
Varilla | Rod |
Varita | Magic Wand |
Varón | Male |
Ej: El bebé recién nacido es un varón y se llama Alejandro.
Ex: The newborn baby is a male and his name is Alejandro.
Looking for ways to learn Spanish fast? Check out these 12 ways that I became fluent in Spanish outside of the classroom.
Varonera | Tomboy |
Vaselina | Vaseline |
Vaso | Glass |
Vecindad | Neighborhood |
Vecino | Neighbor |
Vegetación | Vegetation |
Vehemencia | Vehemence |
Vehículo | Vehicle |
Vejación | Humiliation |
Vejez | Old Age |
Ej: La vejez es una etapa de la vida que conlleva sabiduría y experiencias acumuladas.
Ex: Old age is a stage of life that brings wisdom and accumulated experiences.
Vejiga | Bladder |
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Vela | Candle |
Velatorio | Wake |
Velero | Sail boat |
Velocidad | Speed |
Velocímetro | Speedometer |
Velocista | Sprinter |
Velorio | Funeral Wake |
Vena | Vein |
Venado | Deer |
Vencimiento | Expiration |
venda | Bandage |
Vendaje | Dressing, bandaging |
Vendedor | Seller |
Veneno | Poison |
Venganza | Revenge |
Venida | Arrival |
Venta | Sale |
Ventaja | Advantage |
Ventana | Window |
Ventanal | Large window |
Ventarrón | Strong wind |
Ventilación | Ventilation |
Ventisca | Snowstorm |
Ventolina | Sudden gust of wind |
Ventura | Happiness |
Ventuta | Garage sale |
Veracidad | Truthfulness |
Verano | Summer |
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Verbo | Verb |
Verdad | Truth |
Verdura | Vegetables |
Veredicto | Verdict |
Vergüenza | Embarrassment |
Verificación | Inspection |
Verruga | Wart |
Versión | Version |
Verso | Verse |
Vértigo | Vertigo |
Vesícula | Gall-bladder |
Vestido | Dress |
Vestidor | Dressing room |
Vestimenta | Clothing |
Vestuario | Wardrobe |
Veterano | Veteran |
Veterinario | Veterinarian |
Vez | Time |
Ej: Me gustaría visitar España otra vez para disfrutar de su hermosa arquitectura y deliciosa comida.
Ex: I would like to visit Spain again to enjoy its beautiful architecture and delicious food.
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Vía | Route |
Viabilidad | Viability |
Viaje | Trip |
Vibración | Vibration |
Víctima | Victim |
Victoria | Victory |
Vida | Life |
Ej: La vida es un regalo precioso que debemos valorar y aprovechar al máximo
Ex: Life is a precious gift that we should cherish and make the most of.)
Related: 85+ Beautiful Life Quotes in Spanish To Reflect Upon
Vídeo | Video |
Vidrio | Glass |
Vieira | Scallop |
Viejito | Old person |
Viento | Wind |
Vientre | Belly |
Viernes | Friday |
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Vigencia | Validity |
Vigilancia | Vigilance |
Vigor | Vigor |
Vileza | Vileness |
Villancico | Christmas Carols |
Related: 24+ Spanish Christmas YouTube Villancicos For Kids\
Vínculo | Link, bound |
Vino | Wine |
Viña | Vineyard |
Violación | Rape |
Violador | Rapist |
Violencia | Violence |
Violeta | Violet |
Violín | Violin |
Violonista | Violinist |
Violoncelo | Cello |
Virginidad | Virginity |
Virolo | Cross-eyed |
Virilidad | Virility |
Virtud | Virtue |
Viruela | Smallpox |
Visibilidad | Visibility |
Visión | Vision |
Visita | Visit |
Visitante | Visitor |
Víspera | Eve, day before |
Vista | Eye sight, view |
Ej: Desde la cima de la montaña, se podía disfrutar de una vista impresionante del valle.
Ex: From the top of the mountain, one could enjoy a breathtaking view of the valley.

Vistazo | Look, glance |
Viscosidad | Brightness |
Visualización | Visualization |
Vitalidad | Vitality |
Vitamina | Vitamin |
Viuda | Widow |
Vivencia | Experience |
Víveres | Provisions, supplies |
Viveza | Liveliness |
Ej: La viveza de su mente le permitió resolver rápidamente el complicado acertijo.
Ex: The sharpness of his mind allowed him to quickly solve the intricate riddle.
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Vívido | Vivid, graphic |
Vividor | Opportunistic |
Viviente | Living |
Vocabulario | Vocabulary |
Vocación | Calling, vocation |
Vocero | Spokesperson |
Volante | Steering wheel |
Volatilidad | Volatility |
Volcán | Volcano |
Voleibol | Volleyball |
Voltaje | Voltage |
Volumen | Volume |
Voluntad | Will |
Ej: Con determinación y voluntad, logró superar todos los obstáculos y alcanzar sus metas.
Ex: With determination and willpower, he managed to overcome all obstacles and achieve his goals.
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Voluntario | Volunteer |
Vómito | Vomit |
Voraz | Voraciousness |
Voseo | Addressing a person as “Vos” |
Voto | Vote |
Voz | Voice |
Vozarrón | Booming voice |
Vuelo | Flight |
Vuelta | Turn around |
Vulgaridad | Vulgarity |
Vulgarismo | Vulgarism |
Spanish Words That Start With V: Adjectives & Adverbs
Spanish | English |
Vacante | Vacant |
Vacilante | Unsteady, faltering |
Vacilón/ona | Teasing, joking |
Vacío | Empty |
Ej: El cuarto estaba vacío cuando llegué a casa.
Ex: The house was empty when I got home.
Vagabundo | Wondering, roving |
Vagamente | Vaguely |
Vaginal | Vaginal |
Vago | Lazy, slack |
Válido | Valid |
Valiente | Brave |
Valioso | Valuable |
Vanguardista | Avant-garde, revolutionary |
Vanidoso | Vain |
Vano | Empty, vain |
Ej: El esfuerzo fue en vano, ya que no logró alcanzar su objetivo.
Ex: The effort was in vain, as he did not manage to achieve his goal.
Vaporoso | Sheer, diaphanous |
Variable | Variable |
Variado | Varied |
Variante | Variant |
Varios | Several |
Varonil | Manly, virile |
Vasco | Basque |
Vasto | Vast, huge |
Vaticano | Vatican |
Vecinal | Local |
Vegetariano | Vegetarian |
Vegetativo | Vegetative |
Vehemente | Vehemently |
Veinte | Twenty, twentieth |
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Velado | Veiled |
Vencedor | Winning, victorious |
Vencido | Defeated |
Venenoso | Poisonous |
Venerable | Venerable |
Vengador | Revenging |
Vengativo | Vengeful |
Ventajista | Opportunistic |
Ventajoso | Advantageous |
Venturoso | Lucky, fortunate |
Veraz | Truthful |
Verbal | Verbal |
Verboso | Wordy |
Verdaderamente | Really |
Verdadero | True, truthful |
Verde | Green |
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Verdoso | Greenish |
Vergonzante | Shameful |
Vergonzoso | Bashful |
Verídico | Truthful |
Verosímil | Likely, probable |
Versátil | Versatile |
Vertical | Vertical |
Vertiginoso | Giddy, dizzy |
Viable | Viable, feasible |
Viajero | Traveling |
Vibrante | Vibrating |
Vicioso | Dissolute, depraved |
Victorioso | Victorious |
Vidente | Sighted |
Vidriado | Glazed |
Viejo | Old |
Vigente | Current, in force |
Vigilante | Vigilant |
Violento | Violent |
Virgen | Virgin |
Vírico | Viral |
Virtuoso | Virtuous |
Virulento | Virulent |
Visible | Visible |
Visionario | Visionary |
Vistoso | Bright, colorful |
Ej: El carnaval de esta ciudad es famoso por sus coloridos y vistosos trajes.
Ex: The carnival in this city is famous for its colorful and vibrant costumes.
Visual | Visual |
Vital | Vital |
Vivo | Living, alive |
Vocacional | Vocational |
Volátil | Volatile |
Volcánico | Volcanic |
Voluble | Fickle, changeable |
Voluminoso | Voluminous |
Voluntario | Voluntary |
Voraz | Voracious |
Vulgarment | Commonly, Popularly |
Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
Verbs That Start With the Letter V in Spanish
Our last section in this list of Spanish words that start with the letter V is Spanish verbs. In this list you can find a variety of regular verbs as well as irregular verbs that you can memorize and practice in conversational Spanish to get more comfortable with the language.
Spanish | English |
Vacacionar | To vacation |
Vaciar | To drain, to drink up |
Vacilar | To hesitate, waiver |
Vacunar | To Vaccinate |
Vagabundear | To wander, rove |
Ej: A Juan le gustaba vagabundear por las calles de la ciudad sin rumbo fijo.
Ex: Juan enjoyed wandering aimlessly through the streets of the city.
Vagar | To wonder to roam |
Vaguear | To laze around |
Valer | To cost, to be worth |
Valer can often be used in Mexican and Central American slang to mean I couldn’t care less, or I don’t give a damn.
Two examples are:
Me vale madre
Me vale verga
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Validar | To Validate |
Valorar | To Value |
Vanagloriarse | To boast |
Vaporizar | To vaporize |
Varar | To beach, run aground |
Varear | To knock down, to beat |
Variar | To change, alter |
Vaticinar | To predict, forecast |
Vedar | To prohibit, ban |
Vegetar | To grow |
Velar | To keep vigil over, to stay awake |
Vencer | To defeat, beat |
Ej: Después de una ardua batalla, logró vencer a su oponente y obtener la victoria.
Ex: After a tough battle, he managed to defeat his opponent and achieve victory.
Vendar | To bandage, dress |
Venerar | To Worship |
Vangar | To avenge |
Venir | To come |
Ventilar | Ventilate |
Ventosear | To break wind |
Ver | To see |
Ej: Vi una película interesante anoche en el cine.
Ex: I saw an interesting movie last night at the theater.
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Veranear | To spend the summer holiday |
Verificar | To inspect |
Vertebrar | To provide the backbone of |
Verter | To pour (out) |
Vestir(se) | To dress (oneself) |
Vetar | To veto |
Viajar | To travel |
Ej: A mí me encanta viajar y descubrir nuevas culturas y paisajes.
Ex: I love to travel and discover new cultures and landscapes.
Vibrar | To vibrate |
Viciar | To corrupt, pervert |
Victimar | To kill |
Vidriar | To glaze |
Vigilar | To keep an eye on, to watch |
Vigorizar | To invigorate |
Vincular | To link, bind |
Vindicar | To vindicate |
Violar | To rape |
Violentar | To force |
Virar | To turn |
Ej: El conductor decidió virar a la derecha en la próxima intersección.
Ex: The driver decided to turn right at the next intersection.
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Visionar | To view, see |
Vislumbrar | To glimpse |
Vitorear | To cheer |
Vivir | To live |
Vocalizar | To vocalize |
Volar | To fly |
Volcar | To knock over |
Voldear | To turn over, upside down |
Volver | To return, come back |
Well, amigos, that concludes our list of Spanish words that start with the letter V. I hope you learned some new words today!
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