In today’s post, I want to get you out of your slump and into an optimistic mood with this ongoing list of 65+ positive Spanish quotes.
It is very beneficial to have a positive mindset. It gives us more energy, boosts our health and gives us a greater chance at success.
Overall, it gives us a happier lifestyle and when we are happy, we spread that happiness to those around us.
We can make this world a happier place simply by being more positive.
That’s why the first goal on my New Year’s resolution list this 2023 is to embrace a positive attitude and I plan on doing just that, starting with these positive Spanish quotes.
So come join me in my positivity journey and learn a little Spanish while your at it!

How can you use these positive quotes in Spanish? Easy. I’ll leave some ideas below!
- Make a mindful activity out of these quotes by drawing them on a blank piece of paper and hanging them around the room.
- Not crafty? You could also create a design in a free software like Canva, print them out and hang them around the room.
- Use these positive in Spanish as affirmations and say them to yourself as often as you can.
- Have a friend or family member that is down in the dumps? Make them a nice card and include one of these positive quotes in Spanish to cheer them up.
- Learning Spanish? Pick a handful of these quotes each day. Write them down and translate them. For any words or grammar that you’re not familiar with, write it down, look it up, and practice it. Keep an ongoing library of Spanish words that you don’t know. Come back to it later and I’ll bet you will remember the word this time! This is one way I became fluent in Spanish. Through music, too!
Alright now onto this list of 65+ positive Spanish quotes and their English translation! Keep an eye out for my favorite positive quotes. They will have a graphic below them with colors of positivity and happiness: Yellow, orange pink and red.
Make sure to share these positive Spanish quotes images on your social media to encourage positivity among your friends and family. Remember, positivity IS contagious!
Positive Spanish quotes
1.“Si la vida te da un limón, haz limonada.”
“If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”
2. “La felicidad no es algo hecho. Proviene de tus propias acciones.”
“Happiness is not something made. It comes from your own actions.”
3. “Cuando una puerta se cierra, muchas más se abren.”
“When one door closes, many more open.”
4. “Lo que no te mata te hace más fuerte.”
“That which doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.”

5. “No llores porque se acabó, sonríe porque sucedió.”
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”
6. “La bondad debe convertirse en nuestra forma natural de vida, no en la excepción” Buda
“Kindness should be our natural way of life, not the exception.”
Related: 85+ Spanish Quotes About Life with English Translation to Reflect Upon
7. “Nada es más valioso que este día.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Nothing is worth more than this day.”
8. “Bueno es tener la alegría en casa y no tener que buscarla fuera.”
“It’s good to have happiness at home and not have to look for it outside.”
9. “Ponte de cara al sol y las sombras caen detrás de ti.”
Face the sun and the shadows will fall behind it.”

10. “Mira hacia atrás y sonríe ante los peligros pasados.”
“Look back and smile at your past risks.”
Related: 100 + Beautiful Self-Love Quotes in Spanish with English Translation
11. “La mente es como el agua, cuando está en calma y en paz, puede reflejar la belleza en el mundo. Cuando está agitada puede tener el paraíso enfrente y no lo refleja.” David Fishman
“The mind is like water, when it’s calm and at peace, it can reflect the beauty of the world. When it is troubled, it can have paradise before it and it will not show its reflection.”

12. “Incluso la noche más oscura terminará con la salida del Sol.”
“Even the darkest night will go away with the sunrise.”
13. “Cada cosa tiene su belleza, pero no todos pueden verla.” Confucio
“Everything has its beauty, but not everyone can see it.”

14. “El aprendizaje es un regalo. Incluso cuando el dolor es tu maestro.”
“Learning is a gift. Even when pain is the teacher.”
15. “Todas las cosas son difíciles hasta que son fáciles.”
All things are hard until they are easy.”
16. “No importa la situación, recuérdate esta idea: “tengo opciones.”
“No matter the situation, remember this idea: ‘I have options.”
17. “El pesimismo conduce a la debilidad, el optimismo al poder.” William James
“Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power.”

18. “Cuida el exterior tanto como el interior, porque todo es uno.” Buda
“Take care of the exterior as much as the interior, because everything is one.”
19. “Tu bienestar y tu felicidad es mental. Cuida tu mente y rodéate de personas, actitudes y sentimientos positivos.”
“Your wellbeing and happiness is mental. Take care of your mind and surround yourself with positive people, attitudes and thoughts.”
Related: 101+ Motivational Quotes in Spanish to Inspire You Today!
20. “La felicidad no está ahí fuera para que la encontremos, y la razón de eso es que está dentro de nosotros.”
“Happiness is not out there for us to find it, and that reason for that is that it is inside of us.”
21. “El entusiasmo mueve el mundo.”
“Enthusiasm moves the world.”
22. “La felicidad es un artículo maravilloso: cuanto más se da, más le queda a uno” Buda
“Happiness is a wonderful thing: The more that is given the more, the more it one has.”

23. “No se puede tener una vida positiva y una mente negativa.” Joyce Meyer
“It’s not possible to have a positive life and a negative mind.”
24. “El fracaso es una buena oportunidad para empezar de nuevo con más inteligencia.”
“Failure is a good opportunity to start again with more intelligence.”
25. “Cuando alguien me ha ofendido trato de elevar mi alma muy alto, para que la ofensa no la alcance.” R. Descartes
“When someone has offended me I try to raise my soul up very high so that the offense can’t reach it.”
26. “La única discapacidad en la vida es la mala actitud.”
“The only disability in life is a bad attitude.”
27. “Hay quienes buscan la felicidad, y hay quienes la crean”.
“There are those who search for happiness and those who create it.”

28. “Cuando la vida te presente razones para llorar, demuéstrale que tienes mil y una razones para reír.”
“When life gives you reasons to cry, show it that you have a thousand and one reasons to laugh.”
Related: 40+ Family Quotes in Spanish
29. “Una actitud sana es contagiosa. Deja que otros se impregna de ella.”
“A healthy attitude is contagious. It lets others soak it up.”
30. “Quien es feliz hará a otros felices.”
“He who is happy, will make others happy.”
31. “Nuevo día, nuevos pensamientos, nuevas esperanzas y nuevas oportunidades.” Lailah Gifty Akita
“New day, new thoughts, new hopes, new opportunities.”

32. “Tu sonrisa te dará un aspecto positivo que hará que la gente se sienta cómoda a tu alrededor.” Les Brown
“Your smile will give a possible
33. “La felicidad no es tener mucho, sino dar mucho” Buda
“Happiness isn’t having a lot, but rather giving a lot.”
34. “La gente positiva cambia el mundo, mientras que la negativa lo mantiene como está.”
“Positive people change the world, while negative people maintain it the way it is.”

35. “El secreto de la vida, es caer siete veces y levantarse ocho.”
“The secret in life is falling seven times and getting up eight.”
36. “No importa tu edad, siempre hay algo bueno que esperar en un nuevo día.” Lynn Johnston
“Age doesn’t matter, there is always something good to look forward to each day.”
37. “Ese es mi regalo. Dejé que la negatividad salga de mí que no tenga ningún efecto. Si no es positivo, no lo escucho. Si tú puedes superar eso, las peleas son fáciles.” George Foreman
“This is my gift. I rid myself of negativity so that it cannot have an effect. If it is not positive, I don’t listen to it. If you can overcome that, battles are easy.”
Related: 57+ Merry Christmas Quotes in Spanish
38. “Una actitud fuertemente positiva creará más milagros que cualquier droga.”
“A strong positive attitude will create more miracles than any drug.”

39. “La felicidad no es la ausencia de problemas sino la capacidad de lidiar con ellos.”
“Happiness is not the absence of problems but rather the capacity to deal with them.”
40. “El pensamiento positivo te permitirá utilizar la capacidad que tienes, que es impresionante.” Zig Ziglar
“Positive thinking will allow you to use your full capacity, that is impressive.”
41. “El optimismo es la fe que conduce al logro; nada puede realizarse sin esperanza.”
“Optimism is the faith that drives success; nothing can happen without hope.”
42. “Mira hacia arriba, ríe en voz alta, habla fuerte, mantén el color en tus mejillas y el fuego en los ojos, adorna tu persona, mantén tu salud, tu belleza y tu espíritu animal.” William Hazlitt
“Look up, laugh out loud, talk loud, maintain rosy cheeks and fire in your eyes, dress yourself, maintain your health, your beauty and your spirit animal.”
Related: 40 Gratitude Quotes in Spanish
43. “El Sol es un recordatorio diario de que nosotros también podemos resurgir de la oscuridad, de que nosotros también podemos hacer brillar nuestra propia luz.” S. Ajna
“The sun is a daily reminder that we too can resurface from darkness, that we too can shine our own light.”
44. “La diferencia entre ganar y perder suele ser no dándose por vencido.”
“The difference between winning and losing usually results from not giving up.”
45. “La actitud es una pequeña cosa que marca una gran diferencia.” Winston Churchill
“Attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference.”
46. “Cuando piensas en positivo, las cosas ocurren.”
“When you think positively, things happen.”
47. “Creo que todo es posible si tienes la mentalidad, la voluntad y el deseo de hacerlo y pones el tiempo en ello.” Roger Clemens
“I think that everything is possible if you have the mentality, the willingness and the desire to do it and if you give it time.
48. “Cree que puedes y ya estarás a mitad de camino.”
“Think that you can and you will already be halfway there.”
49. “Aprende a sonreír en cualquier situación. Tómatelo como una oportunidad para expresar tu fortaleza.”
“Learn to smile in any situation. Take it as an opportunity to express your strength.”
Related: 67+ Love Quotes in Spanish to Share With your Amor
50. “El pensamiento está sobrevalorado. Hay que pensar menos y sentir más.”
“Thinking is overrated. We need to think less and feel more.”

Short positive Spanish quotes
51. “Lo más importante es mantenerse positivo.”
“The most important thing is staying positive.”
52. “Todo vale la pena si te hace reír.”
“Everything is worth it if it makes you laugh.”
53. “Mantén una mente positiva y ríete de todo.”
“Keep a positive mindset and laugh at everything.”
54. “Sin lluvia no hay flores.”
“Without rain there are no flowers.”
55. La vida es como una montaña rusa. Gózatela.
“Life is like a roller coaster. Enjoy it!”
56. “De las dificultades nacen milagros.”
“From hardships, miracles are born.”
57. “Rodéate de gente positiva.”
“Surround yourself with positive people.”

58. “La felicidad es el mejor maquillaje.”
“Happiness is the best makeup.”
59. “La excelencia no es una habilidad, es una actitud.”
“Excellence is not a habit, it’s an attitude.”
60. “Una buena risa cura muchas heridas.”
“A good laugh cures many wounds.”
61. “Hoy es un buen día para ser feliz.”
“Today is a good day to be happy.”

62. “Para ser feliz, necesitas perdonarte por tus errores.”
“To be happy, you need to forgive your mistakes.”
63. “Aspira a ser la persona a la que más admires.”
“Aspire to be the person that you admire.”
64. “Sonríe más, quéjate menos.”
“Smile more and complain less.

65. “La felicidad no es el objetivo, es el camino.” Wayne W. Dyer.
“Happiness is not the objective, it’s the path.”
Well, amigos, I hope you found a positive Spanish quote that will get you off of your feet and start looking at your class half-full instead of half-empty.
Remember, we are all going through a hard time right now, but taking on a positive outlook on life will help you struggle less in those dark moment.
Thinking of you and sending you lots of positive energy!
Make sure you share the images in this post to encourage self-love in your friends and family!
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- 67+ Love Quotes in Spanish to Share With your Amor
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- 60 + Fall Quotes in Spanish to Celebrate the Beauty of Autumn
- 70+ Winter Quotes in Spanish and Their English Translations – Embrace the Season’s Beauty
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- 45+ Inspiring Summer Quotes in Spanish and Their English Translation
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- 80+ Happy Father’s Day Quotes and Greetings in Spanish
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