With Valentine’s Day approaching, I thought it would be fun to share some love quotes in Spanish with you.
This way if you are making a homemade Valentine’s day card or gift, you can browse through this list of love quotes in Spanish and add it to your card to spice it up a bit!
Two years back, my son Lennox and I made this adorable Valentine’s Day hearth wreath photo frame for our man of the house. On a special note, we added some love quotes in Spanish to show him just how much we love him and how important he is to us. He was over the moon.
You just never know how far a few words can travel to someone’s heart.
So, if you want your special someone to light up today, check out this list of love quotes in Spanish.
These love quotes in Spanish are perfect for Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, dates, and most important for daily use.
Get in the habit of slipping a love note to your lover to boost his or her day!
Spread the love!
1. “Tenerte a mi lado es algo maravilloso que solo se puede comparar con estar en las puertas del cielo. Besarte es descubrir que el amor verdadero existe para los dos.”
“Having you by my side is a marvelous thing that can only be compared to standing in the gate of heaven. Kissing you is to discover that true love exists for us both.”
2. “Si sumas todas las estrellas del cielo, todos los granitos de arena en los océanos, todas las rosas en el mundo y todas las sonrisas que haya habido en la historia del mundo, empezarás a tener una idea de cuánto te quiero.”
“If you add up all of the stars in the sky, all of the pieces of sand in the oceans, all of the roses in the world, and all of the smiles there have been in the history of the world, you would begin to have an idea of how much I love you.”
3. “Daría lo que fuera por estar contigo y disfrutar del amor que solo tú me puedes dar. Mirar tus ojos mientras acaricio tu rostro, sentir tus manos sobre mi piel es lo que más anhelo en este mundo.”
“I would give whatever it takes to be with you and to enjoy the love that only you can give me. Seeing your eyes while I touch your face, feeling your hands on my skin is what I yearn for most in this world.
4. “Pensarte cada mañana, se ha convertido en mi momento favorito del día.”
“Thinking about you each morning has turned into my favorite part of the day.”
5. “Cuando era niño soñaba con conquistar el mundo, ahora me doy cuenta que tú eres mi mundo y me has conquistado.”
“When I was a boy I used to dream about taking over the world, now I realize that you are my world and you have taken over me.
Related: 101+ Motivational Quotes in Spanish to Inspire You Today!
6. “Nada dura para siempre por eso quiero que seas mi nada.” -Frida Kahlo-
“Nothing lasts forever. That’s why I want you to be my nothing.
7. “Para el mundo no soy nadie, pero para mí tú eres el mundo”.
“To the world I am nobody, but for me, you are my world.”
8. “Nada se compara con lo que tenemos, con este amor que nos quema por dentro. El mundo puede caerse a pedazos, pero sé que lo que siento por ti seguirá latiendo dentro de mi pecho una eternidad.”
“Nothing compares to what we have with this love that burns inside. The world could fall to pieces, but I know that what I feel for you will keep beating inside my life for an eternity.”
9. “Tardé una hora en conocerte y solo un día en enamorarme. Pero me llevará toda una vida lograr olvidarte.”
It took me an hour to know you, and just a day to fall in love. But it will take an entire life to be able to forget you.
10. “Si tú me amaras y yo te amase, ¡cómo nos amaríamos!” Paul Géraldy
“If you were to love me and I love you, how we would love each other!”
Related: 48 Valentine’s Day Quotes for Sons in Spanish
11. “El sol, la luna, las estrellas… Todo pierde sentido ante el cielo de tus ojos” Juan Ardini
“The sun, the moon and the stars….eveything loses purpose before the sky of your eyes.
12. “Ven y dime al oído que te has vestido hoy pensando en desvestirte frente a mí”. (Fernando Valverde)
“Come here and tell me in my ear that you got dressed today thinking about getting undressed in front of me.”
13. “Me desearon lo mejor, y llegaste”. (Carlos Tarango)
“They wished the best for me and you came along.”
14. “Eres, eras, y siempre serás la luz que brilla desde mi corazón.”
“You are, were and will always be the light that shines in my heart.”
Related: 65+ Positive Spanish Quotes To Encourage an Optimistic Life
15. “Que me perdone el tiempo… por querer detenerlo cuando te miro.”
“May time forgive me for wanting to stop it when I look at you.”
16. “Ser tu compañero para toda la vida es lo único que deseo, seré tuyo para siempre porque el amor que sentimos nunca morirá”.
“Being your companion for the rest of life is my only desire. I will be yours forever because the love that we feel will never die.
Related: 100 + Beautiful Self-Love Quotes in Spanish with English Translation
17. “Anoche miré al cielo y empecé a dar a cada estrella una razón por la que te quiero tanto. Me faltaron estrellas.”
“Last night I looked up at the sky and I began to give each star a reason for why I love you. I ran out of stars.”
18. “Aprenderé historias para contarte, inventaré nuevas palabras para decirte en todas que te quiero como a nadie”. Frida Kahlo
“ I will learn stories to tell you. I will invent new words to say to you that I love you like no one else.”
19. “Muchas veces el corazón ve lo que es invisible para el ojo.”
“Oftentimes, the heart sees what’s invisible to the eye.”
20. “Entraste a mi vida de un momento a otro y ahora significas todo para mí. Te amo”.
“You came into my life from one moment to the next and now you mean everything to me. I love you.
Related: 40 Gratitude Quotes in Spanish
21. “No cambiaría un minuto de ayer contigo por cien años de vida sin ti.”
“I would not change one minute of yesterday with you for 100 years of life without you.”
22. “Si yo fuese el mar y tú una roca, haría subir la marea para besar tu boca.”
“If I were the ocean and you were a rock, I would raise the tide to kiss your mouth.”
23. “No sé hacia dónde vamos, solo sé que quiero ir contigo.”
“I am not sure where we are going, I just know that I want to go with you.”
24. “Besarte es como perder la noción del tiempo y del espacio, es ver el cielo, las estrellas… es verte a ti.”
“Kissing you is like losing the notion of time and space, it’s seeing the skies, the stars…it’s seeing you.”
25. “Entrégame el tiempo que te sobre, y lo gastaré en hacerte la persona más feliz del planeta.”
“Hand me over the time that you have left and I will spend it making you the happiest person on the plant.”
Related: Planets in Spanish: A Complete Guide + Learning Activities for Kids
26. “Te amo tan bonito que me asusta, como asusta la grandeza, la belleza y aquello que, de alguna manera, cambia tu vida para siempre. Así.”(Elena Poe)
“I love you so beautifully that it scares me. It is scary like greatness, beauty and all that which in one way or another changes your life forever. That is how I love you.”
26. “Tú eres la historia más bonita que el destino escribió en mi vida”.
“You are the most beautiful story that destiny has ever written in my life.”
27. “Tus labios me hacen sentir más cosas de las que jamás podré expresar.”
“Your lips make me feel more things than I could ever express.”
28. “Para quien ama, nada es imposible.” —Santa Teresa de Jesús.
“For he who loves, nothing is impossible.”
29. “Solo hay un remedio para el amor: amar más.” Henry David Thoreau.
“There is only one remedy for love: love more.”
30. “El amor es invisible y entra y sale por donde quiere sin que nadie le pida cuenta de sus hechos”.
“Love is invisible. It comes and goes wherever it wants without anyone holding it accountable.”
31. “Uno aprende a amar, no cuando encuentre a la persona perfecta, sino cuando aprenda a creer en la perfección de una persona imperfecta.”
“One learns to love not when they find the perfect person, but when they learn to believe in the perfection of an imperfect person.”
Related: 85+ Spanish Quotes About Life with English Translation to Reflect Upon
32. “Las verdaderas historias de amor nunca tienen un final.” Richard Bach
“True love stories never have an end.”
33. “Las palabras no son capaces de expresar todo lo que lo siento al estar junto a ti.”
“Words are not capable of expressing everything that I feel when I am next to you.”
34. “El amor no consiste en mirar el uno al otro, sino en mirar juntos en la misma dirección”. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
“Love is not about looking at one another, but rather looking in the same direction together.”
Related: 40+ Family Quotes in Spanish
“35. El amor es el único tesoro que no se saca con pico y pala.” —Pedro Cruz López.
“Love is the only treasure that is not extracted with pick and shovel.”
36. “Amar no es nada, ser amado es algo. Amar y ser amado lo es todo.” Bill Russell
“To love is nothing, to be loved is something. To love and to be loved is everything.”
37. “Sabes que estás enamorado cuando no quieres dormir por la noche, porque tu vida real supera a tus sueños.”
“You know you are in love when you don’t want to sleep at night because your real life exceeds your dreams.”
38. “Ayer eras mi capricho. Hoy eres mi amor. Mañana serás mi vida.”
“Yesterday you were my impulse. Today you are my love. Tomorrow you will be my life.”
39. “Si nada nos salva de la muerte, al menos que el amor nos salve de la vida. “—Pablo Neruda.
“If nothing saves us from death, may at least love save us from life.”
40. “El mayor error del ser humano es intentar sacarse de la cabeza aquello que no sale del corazón.” —Mario Benedetti.
“ The greatest human error is trying to get out of the head what comes from the heart.”
41. “El amor no necesita ser perfecto. Solo necesita ser verdadero.” Marilyn Monroe
“Love does not need to be perfect, it just needs to be true.”
42.“El amor es como el viento: no se ve, pero se siente.”
“Love is like the wind: you can’t see it, but you can feel it.”
43.“De vez en cuando el amor nos regala cuentos de hadas.”
“Once in a while, love gives us fairytales.”
44.“Amar a alguien es poder ver toda su magia y recordársela cuando la olvide”.
“To love someone is to be able to see all of their magic and remind them of it when they forget about it. “
Related: 40 Printable Positive Affirmations in Spanish To Boost Your Child’s Self-Esteem
45. “Lo único que me duele de morir es que no sea de amor.” —Gabriel García Márquez.
“The only regret I will have in dying is if it is not for love.”
46. “Quiero abrazarte, besarte, y por la eternidad amarte.”
“ I want to hug you, kiss you and love you eternally.”
47. “Te amo en colores que aún no se han visto”
“I love you in colors that haven’t even been seen yet.”
48. “Te amo más que ayer y menos que mañana”.
“I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.”
49. “Ama siempre, ríe cada día, vive cada momento.”
“Love always, laugh everyday, live each moment.”
50. “Lo mejor de mi vida es estar en la tuya.”
The best part of my life is being in your life.”
51. “Mi corazón habla de ti sin parar.”
“My heart talks about you without stopping.”
52. “Si sé lo que es el amor, es gracias a ti”. Herman Hesse
“If I know what love is, it’s because of you.”
53. “Por más momentos junto.”
“Here’s for more times together.”
54. “Tengo ganas de un futuro contigo.”
“I yearn for a future with you.
55. “Con todo mi amor, para toda la vida.”
“With all my love, for all of life.”
56. “La capacidad de reír juntos es nuestro amor.”
“Our ability to laugh together is our love.”
57. Eres el lugar al que siempre quiero volver.
“You are the place I always want to come back to.”
58. La sonrisa es mía, pero el motivo eres tú.
“It may be my smile, but you are the motive.”
59. Te amo en todos los universos.
“I love you in all of the universes.”
60. Gracias por estar ahí cuando más te necesité.
“Thank you for being there when I needed you the most.”
61. El sonido de tu voz es mi canción favorita.
“The sound of your voice is my favorite song.”
62. El amor es contagioso. Compártelo.
“Love is contagious. Spread it.”
63. “Eres mi principio y mi fin”.
“You are my beginning and end.”
64. Eres ese fuego que calienta mi corazón.
“You are the fire that warms my heart.”
65. “Te amo más que a mi propia piel.” Frida Kahlo
“I love you more than my own skin.”
66. “Todo mi corazón te pertenece.”
“My whole heart belongs to you.”
67. “Todo lo puedo perder menos a ti.’
“I can lose everything except you.”
I hope you found the perfect love quote in Spanish for your special someone. Make sure to check back because I will continuously be adding to this when I find more beautiful love quotes in Spanish!
Additional Resources:
- 101+ Best Motivational Quotes in Spanish to Inspire You!
- 65+ Positive Spanish Quotes To Encourage an Optimistic Life
- 40+ Beautiful Family Quotes in Spanish
- 80+ Friendship Quotes to Share With Your Amigos Today!
- 60 + Fall Quotes in Spanish to Celebrate the Beauty of Autumn
- 100 + Beautiful Self-Love Quotes in Spanish with English Translation
- 75+ Sad Quotes in Spanish About Life and Love
- 85+ Famous Spanish Quotes About Life with English Translation
- 40 Gratitude Quotes in Spanish
- 70+ Winter Quotes in Spanish and Their English Translations – Embrace the Season’s Beauty
- 35+ Inspirational Spring Quotes in Spanish to Embrace Renewal
- 45+ Inspiring Summer Quotes in Spanish and Their English Translation