Today I want to share a list of 75+ sad quotes in Spanish and their English translation. These quotes serve as powerful expressions of deep emotions and reflections on sadness in various aspects of life.
Within this collection, you will discover a wide range of sad quotes in Spanish that touch upon both the sadness associated with life as well as the sadness associated with love and personal relationships.
They capture the emotional ups and downs that we all experience at some point in our lives, and they invite us to contemplate the human condition and the different ways sadness can manifest.
I hope that browsing through this list of sad quotes in Spanish can serve as comfort for those of you going through challenging times. Make sure to check out my list of positive quotes in Spanish afterwards to pick you up and remember that these times will come and go. There is always room for hope and renewal.
Sending you all my love, understanding, and positive vibes. Remember, this too shall pass. <3

How can you use these sad quotes in Spanish? Easy. I’ll leave some ideas below!
- Personal Reflection: Use sad quotes as a means of personal reflection. Read through them and contemplate how they relate to your own experiences and emotions. They can help you process your feelings and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.
- Journaling: Incorporate sad quotes into your journaling practice. Write down a quote that resonates with you and then express your thoughts and emotions in response to it. This can be a therapeutic exercise that allows you to release and explore your feelings.
- Artistic Expression: Use sad quotes as inspiration for creative outlets such as writing, poetry, or painting. Let the emotions conveyed in the quotes fuel your artistic expression and serve as a catalyst for creating meaningful pieces of art.
- Social Media Captions: Share sad quotes on your social media platforms as captions for your posts. It can be a way to express your mood or thoughts to your followers and potentially connect with others who relate to the sentiments expressed in the quotes.
- Supportive Messages: Share sad quotes with friends or loved ones who may be going through a difficult time. Use them as a way to offer empathy and support, letting them know that you understand and are there for them.
- Self-Care Reminder: Write down a sad quote that particularly resonates with you and keep it somewhere visible, like a sticky note on your mirror or a bookmark in your favorite book. Let it serve as a reminder to prioritize self-care and give yourself permission to acknowledge and process your emotions.
- Learning Spanish? Pick a handful of these sad quotes in Spanish each day. Write them down and translate them. For any words or grammar that you’re not familiar with, write it down, look it up, and practice it. Keep an ongoing library of Spanish words that you don’t know. Come back to it later and I’ll bet you will remember the word this time! This is one way I became fluent in Spanish. Through music, too!
Now, let’s move on to this list of 75+ sad quotes in Spanish.
Sad Quotes in Spanish About Love
1. “Los años parecen pasar con más rapidez a medida que te vas haciendo mayor.”
“The years seem to pass by faster as you grow older.”
2. “La tristeza es como un tesoro precioso, que se muestra solo a los amigos.”
“Sorrow is like a precious treasure, revealed only to friends.”
3. “La tristeza es siempre el legado del pasado; los arrepentimientos son dolores de la memoria.”
“Sorrow is always the legacy of the past; regrets are pains of memory.”
4. “El verdadero dolor es el que se sufre sin testigos.” Marco Valerio Marcial
“The true pain is the one suffered without witnesses.”
5. “Hay veces que un hombre tiene que luchar tanto por la vida, que no tiene tiempo de vivirla.”
“There are times when a man has to fight so hard for life that he has no time to live it.”
6. “Sonrío y no por eso soy feliz, pero a veces sonrío para ocultar la tristeza.”
“I smile, and not because I’m happy, but sometimes I smile to hide the sadness.”
7. “Primero, acepta la tristeza. Date cuenta de que sin perder, ganar no es tan bueno.” Alyssa Milano
“First, embrace the sadness. Realize that without losing, winning isn’t as good.”
8. “Paciencia triste, vecina muy cercana de la desesperación.” -Matthew Arnold
“Sad patience, a very close neighbor of despair.”

9. “La vida se pierde esperando los momentos más felices y solo te das cuenta de que los has vivido una vez que se convierten en recuerdos.” -Leo Christopher
“Life is lost waiting for the happiest moments, and you only realize you’ve lived them once they become memories.”
10. “Cuanto más examinamos una historia, más triste se vuelve.” – Nikolai Gorgol
“The more we examine a story, the sadder it becomes.”
11. “Que terrible es lo poco que decimos y lo mucho que sentimos.”
“How terrible it is that we say so little and feel so much.”
12. “No puedes evitar que las aves de la tristeza pasen por encima de tu cabeza, pero puedes evitar que hagan un nido en tu cabello.” Proverbio chino
“You cannot prevent the birds of sadness from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from nesting in your hair.” – Chinese proverb

13. “Nos enseñan a avergonzarnos de la confusión, la ira, el miedo y la tristeza, y para mí tienen el mismo valor que la felicidad, la emoción y la inspiración.” Alanis Morissette
“We are taught to be ashamed of confusion, anger, fear, and sadness, and to me they are of the same value as happiness, excitement, and inspiration.” – Alanis Morissette
14. “No hay mayor pena que recordar en la miseria el momento en que fuimos felices.” Dante
“There is no greater sorrow than to recall, in misery, the time when we were happy.” – Dante
15. “Pero ahora la alegría se ha ido y la tristeza ha vuelto, la tristeza se siente como algo merecido, el precio de alguna traición no del todo olvidada.” -Stephen King
“But now the joy is gone, and the sadness has returned, sadness feels like something deserved, the price of some betrayal not entirely forgotten.” – Stephen King
16. “Mi dolor se convirtió en tristeza y mi tristeza en ira. Mi enojo se convirtió en odio y olvidé cómo sonreír.”
“My pain turned into sadness, and my sadness into anger. My anger turned into hatred, and I forgot how to smile.”
17. “Esta es la vida, sufrir un rato y reír otro.”
“That’s life, suffering for a while and laughing at another.”
18. “Primero, acepta la tristeza. Date cuenta de que sin perder, ganar no es tan genial.” – Alyssa Milano
“First, embrace sadness. Realize that without losing, winning isn’t that great.” – Alyssa Milano
19. “La palabra «felicidad» perdería su significado si no estuviera equilibrada por la tristeza.” – Carl Gustav Jung
“The word ‘happiness’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.” – Carl Gustav Jung
20. “El hecho de que uno vague por el desierto no quiere decir necesariamente que haya una tierra prometida.”
“The fact that one wanders through the desert doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a promised land.”

21. “Ganamos fortaleza gracias al dolor y la tristeza. Cada vez que morimos, aprendemos a vivir de nuevo.”
“We gain strength through pain and sadness. Every time we die, we learn to live again.”
22. “Morir parece menos triste que haber vivido poco”. Gloria Steinem
“To die seems less sad than having lived too little.” – Gloria Steinem
Related: 80+ Day of the Dead Quotes in Spanish
23. “La tristeza generalmente resulta de una de las siguientes causas: cuando un hombre no tiene éxito o cuando se avergüenza de su éxito.” Séneca
“Sadness generally results from one of the following causes: when a man does not succeed or when he is ashamed of his success.” – Seneca
24. “Si lloras por haber perdido el sol, las lágrimas no te dejará ver las estrellas.”
“If you cry because you have lost the sun, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”

25. “Encontré más alegría en el dolor de lo que podrías encontrar en la alegría.” Sara Teasdale
“I found more joy in pain than you could find in joy.”
26. “Si estamos solos, nos volvemos más solitarios. La vida es extraña.”
“If we are alone, we become lonelier. Life is strange.”
27. “Para mí, lo opuesto a la felicidad no es la tristeza sino el aburrimiento.” Sushant Singh Rajput
“For me, the opposite of happiness is not sadness but boredom.” – Sushant Singh Rajput
Related: 101+ Motivational Quotes in Spanish to Inspire You Today!
28. “Cuando eres feliz, disfrutas la música. Pero, cuando estás triste, entiendes la letra.”
“When you are happy, you enjoy the music. But when you are sad, you understand the lyrics.”

29. “Si está amargado de corazón, el azúcar en la boca no lo ayudará.” Proverbio yiddish
“If you are bitter at heart, sugar in your mouth won’t help.” (Yiddish proverb)
30. “Pequeñas palabras pueden acabar con tus grandes sentimientos.”
“Small words can end your big feelings.”
31. “Un alma triste siempre está despierta después de medianoche.”
“A sad soul is always awake after midnight.”
31. “Experimentar la tristeza y la rabia puede hacerte sentir más creativo, y siendo creativo, puedes ir más allá de tu dolor o negatividad.” -Yoko Ono
“Experiencing sadness and anger can make you feel more creative, and by being creative, you can transcend your pain or negativity.” – Yoko

32. “Ninguna sociedad ha podido abolir la tristeza humana, ningún sistema puede librarnos del dolor de vivir, de nuestro miedo a la muerte, nuestra sed de absoluto. Es la condición humana la que dirige la condición social, no al revés.” Eugene Ionesco
“No society has been able to abolish human sadness, no system can free us from the pain of living, from our fear of death, our thirst for the absolute. It is the human condition that shapes the social condition, not the other way around.” – Eugene Ionesco
33. “El más terrible de los sentimientos es el de tener la esperanza perdida.” Federico García Lorca
“The most terrible of feelings is that of having lost hope.” – Federico García Lorca
34. “Por lo general, la gente piensa que soy una persona fuerte y feliz… pero detrás de mis sonrisas simplemente no saben cuánto estoy sufriendo.”
“Generally, people think I’m a strong and happy person… but behind my smiles, they just don’t know how much I’m suffering.”
Related: 100+ Beautiful Self-Love Quotes in Spanish to Boost Your Self-Esteem
35. “Cuando has sufrido mucho en la vida, cada dolor adicional es a la vez insoportable e insignificante.” Yann Martel
“When you have suffered a lot in life, every additional pain is both unbearable and insignificant.”
36. “No hay peor tristeza que recordar la felicidad en un día de dolor.” Alfred De Musset
“There is no greater sadness than recalling happiness on a day of sorrow.”
37. “Si no esperas nada de nadie, nunca estarás decepcionado.”
“If you don’t expect anything from anyone, you will never be disappointed.”

Sad Quotes in Spanish about Love and Heartbreak
38. “Nunca puedes querer a nadie tanto cómo puedes echarlo de menos.”
“You can never love someone as much as you can miss them.”
39. “El amor no conoce su propia profundidad hasta la hora de la separación.” Kahlil Gibran
“Love does not know its own depth until the hour of separation.” Kahlil Gibran
Related: 67+ Love Quotes in Spanish
40. “No llores porque terminó, sonríe porque sucedió.”
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”

41. “Es increíble cómo alguien puede romperte el corazón y aún puedes amarlo con todos los pedacitos.” Ella Harper
“It’s incredible how someone can break your heart, and you can still love them with all the pieces.” – Ella Harper
42. “No hay nada más deprimente que tenerlo todo y aun así sentirse triste.”
“There’s nothing more depressing than having it all and still feeling sad.”
43. “Tal vez mi único error fue conocerte.”
“Perhaps my only mistake was getting to know you.”
44. “Cuando todo ha sido dicho o hecho, el dolor es el precio que pagamos por el amor.”
“When everything has been said and done, pain is the price we pay for love.”
45. “Un millón de palabras no te traerían de vuelta, lo sé porque lo intenté, ni tampoco un millón de lágrimas, lo sé porque lloré.”
“A million words wouldn’t bring you back, I know because I tried, and neither would a million tears, I know because I cried.”
46. “No existe amor en paz. Siempre viene acompañado de agonías, éxtasis, alegrías intensas y tristezas profundas.”- Paulo Coelho
“There is no love without peace. It always comes with agonies, ecstasies, intense joys, and deep sorrows.” – Paulo Coelho

47. “Tenemos la mala costumbre de aferrarnos a las personas que no nos quieren.”
“We have the bad habit of clinging to the people who don’t love us.”
48. “Sonríe, incluso si es una sonrisa triste, porque más triste que una sonrisa triste es la tristeza de no saber cómo sonreír.”
“Smile, even if it’s a sad smile, because sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile.”
49. “Conozco a muchas personas que se sienten desesperadas y me preguntan: “¿Qué debo hacer? Y yo les digo: ‘Actúa. Haz algo’. Porque esa es la mejor medicina contra la tristeza y la depresión.” Greta Thunberg
“I know many people who feel desperate and ask me, ‘What should I do?’ And I tell them: ‘Take action. Do something.’ Because that is the best medicine against sadness and depression.” – Greta Thunberg
50. “El silencio absoluto lleva a la tristeza. Es la viva imagen de la muerte.” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“Absolute silence leads to sadness. It is the living image of death.” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau
51. “Cuántos besos me perdí por no saber decir que te necesito.” – Joaquín Sabina
“How many kisses I missed by not knowing how to say that I need you.” – Joaquín Sabina
52. “Las relaciones son como el cristal. A veces es mejor dejarlas rotas que intentar hacerte daño recomponiéndolas.” -Faraaz Kazi
“Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than to hurt yourself trying to put them back together.” – Faraaz Kazi
53. “Hay un dolor, que siento a menudo, que nunca conocerás. Es causado por la ausencia de ti.” Ashleigh Brilliant
“There is a pain that I feel quite often, that you will never know. It is caused by your absence.” – Ashleigh Brilliant
54. “No hagas de alguien tu todo. Porque cuando se hayan ido, no tienes nada.”
“Don’t make someone your everything. Because when they’re gone, you have nothing.”

55. “Me enamoró con cada palabra, me destrozó con cada acción.”
“He/She captured my heart with every word, shattered it with every action.”
56. “El corazón es el único instrumento que aun destrozado, trabaja.”
“The heart is the only instrument that, even when broken, keeps working.”
57. “Los que están más cerca de ti son los que más te duelen.”
“The ones closest to you are the ones who hurt you the most.”

58. “Hasta la mejor persona se cansa de mover montañas por quien no mueve por ella, ni una piedra.”
“Even the best person gets tired of moving mountains for someone who doesn’t even lift a stone for them.”
59. “Ningún lugar es más triste que una cama vacía.” – Gabriel García Márquez
“No place is sadder than an empty bed.”- Gabriel García Márquez
Related: 40+ Gratitude Quotes in Spanish
60. “Nadie merece tus lágrimas, pero quien se lo merece no te hará llorar.” Gabriel García Márquez
“No one deserves your tears, but the one who does won’t make you cry.” – Gabriel García Márquez
61. “La tristeza no es inherente a las cosas; no nos llega del mundo ni de su contemplación. Es un producto de nuestro propio pensamiento.” Emile Durkheim
“Sadness is not inherent to things; it does not come to us from the world or its contemplation. It is a product of our own thoughts.” – Emile Durkheim
62. “No quiero olvidarte pero no quiero recordar el dolor.”
“I don’t want to forget you, but I don’t want to remember the pain.”
63. “Amarte no es realmente el problema, sino confesárselo y que tú no sientas lo mismo por mí.”
“Loving you isn’t really the problem, it’s confessing it and you not feeling the same way about me.”

Short Sad Quotes
64. “Te extraño tanto, que me duele.”
“I miss you so much, it hurts.”
65. “La melancolía ve lo peor de las cosas.”
“Melancholy sees the worst in things.”
66. “Sonríe porque tuviste la oportunidad, llora porque la perdiste.”
“Smile because you had the chance, cry because you lost it.”
67. “El corazón fue hecho para ser roto.” -Oscar Wilde
“The heart was made to be broken.”
68. “No hay nada más deprimente que tenerlo todo y aun así sentirse triste.”
“There’s nothing more depressing than having it all and still feeling sad.”
69. “Las lágrimas son palabras que el corazón no puede expresar.”
“Tears are words that the heart cannot express.”
70. “El alma triste en los gustos llora.” Mateo Alemán
“The sad soul weeps in silence.” – Mateo Alemán
71. “La tristeza no es más que una pared entre dos jardines.” Kahlil Gibran
Sadness is nothing but a wall between two gardens.” – Kahlil Gibran
72. “El amor es un juego de perder”
“Love is a game of losing.”
73. “La felicidad es la tristeza al revés.”
“Happiness is sadness upside down.”
74. “La tristeza casi nunca es otra cosa que una forma de fatiga.” Andre Gide
“Sadness is rarely anything but a form of fatigue.” – Andre Gide
75. “La tristeza y el dolor son un tipo de defensa.”
“Sadness and pain are a type of defense.”
I hope you enjoyed these sad quotes in Spanish. Remember, in the end, quotes are just words, but they have the power to evoke emotions, spark introspection, and remind us that we are not alone in our struggles. Embrace the depth of these quotes, find solace in them, and use them as stepping stones on your journey of healing and personal growth.
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