Are you ready to start loving yourself to the max? These 100+ beautiful self-love quotes in Spanish are here to help you do just that!
Often times we get so busy loving all of the people in our life—spouses, family, friends, children, that we forget about ourselves and our own needs. But it’s important to remember, that to love others, we must first love ourselves!
So get out your pen and paper, take some notes and write down your favorite self-love quotes in Spanish. Hopefully they will set you on journey to help you find your inner love. You got this!
And, if you don’t speak Spanish, do not fret! I have provided my own translation in English underneath each quote!

Ways to use these self-love quotes in Spanish
How can you use these self-love quotes in Spanish? Easy. I’ll leave some ideas below!
- Make a mindful activity out of these quotes by drawing them on a blank piece of paper and hanging them around the room.
- Not crafty? You could also create a design in a free software like Canva, print them out and hang them around the room.
- Use this self-love quotes in Spanish as affirmations and say them to yourself as often as you can.
- Have a friend or family member that is down in the dumps? Make them a nice card and include one of these self-love quotes in Spanish to cheer them up.
- Learning Spanish? Pick a handful of these quotes each day. Write them down and translate them. For any words or grammar that you’re not familiar with, write it down, look it up, and practice it. Keep an ongoing library of Spanish words that you don’t know. Come back to it later and I’ll bet you will remember the word this time! This is one way I became fluent in Spanish. Through music, too!
Self-love quotes in Spanish
1. “El verdadero amor propio no tiene por qué divulgarse o mostrarse en público. Es un estado interior, una fuerza, una felicidad: la seguridad.”
“True self love doesn’t need to be shown or flaunted in public. It’s an interior state, a force, a happiness: security.”
2. “Querer paz mental no es ser egoísta, es aprender a valorarse.”
“Wanting peace of mind is not being selfish, it’s learning how to value oneself.”

3. “Cuando te amas a ti mismo, tomas mejores decisiones.” Minaa B
“When you love yourself, you make better decisions.”
4. “Siempre estás contigo mismo, así que es mejor que disfrutes de la compañía.”
“You are always with yourself, so it’s better to enjoy your company.”
6. “El amor propio es la fuente de todos los amores.” Pierre Corneille
“ Self love is the source of all love.”

7. “Nadie te puede hacer sentir inferior sin tu consentimiento.” Eleanor Roosevelt
“ Nobody can make you feel less than without your own consentment.”
8. Cuanto mejor te sientes sobre ti mismo, menos necesitas enseñarlo.” Robert Hand
“The better you feel about yourself, the less you need to show it.”
9. “Amarse a uno mismo es el comienzo de un romance de por vida.” Oscar Wilde
“Loving yourself is the beginning of a life romance.”
10. “Tómate un momento para apreciar lo increíble que eres.”
“Take a moment to appreciate how incredible you are.”

11. “La peor soledad es no sentirse cómodo contigo mismo.”
“The worst loneliness is not feeling comfortable with your own self.”
12. “Hazte una promesa a ti mismo en este momento: declara que eres digno de tu tiempo y energía.” Deborah Day
“Make a promise to yourself in this moment: declare that you are worth your time and energy.”
13. “Un hombre no puede sentirse cómodo sin su propia aprobación.”
“A man cannot feel comfortable without his own approval.”
14. “Sé fiel a lo que existe dentro de ti.” André Gide
“Be faithful to all that exists within you.”
Related: 65+ Positive Spanish Quotes To Encourage an Optimistic Life
15. “El amor propio, como todo, solo puede ser perfeccionado si se practica.”
“Self love, like with everything else, can only be perfected with practice.”

“16. La confianza no viene de estar en lo cierto siempre, sino de no temer equivocarse.” Peter T. McIntyre
“Confidence doesn’t come from always being right, but rather not being scared of making a mistake.”
Related: 101+ Motivational Quotes in Spanish to Inspire You Today!
17. “Puedes tener lo que quieras si estás dispuesto a renunciar a la creencia de que no puedes tenerlo.” Dr. Robert Anthony
“You can have everything that you want if you are capable of giving up the belief that you cannot have it.”
18. “La mejor manera de ser feliz con alguien es aprender a ser feliz solo. Así, la compañía es una cuestión de elección y no de necesidad.”
“ The best way to be happy with someone is by learning how to be happy alone. That way, company is a question of choice and not necessity.”
19. “Si no nos amásemos a nosotros mismos en absoluto, nunca podríamos amar nada. Así que, el amor propio es la base de todo amor.”
“ If we were not to love ourselves absolutely, we would never love anything. So self love is the base of all love.”
20. “Cuanto mejor te sientas sobre ti mismo, menos sentirás la necesidad de presumir.” -Robert Hand.
“The better you feel about yourself, the less you feel the need to boast.”
21. “A medida que empecé a quererme, dejé de ansiar tener una vida diferente, y pude ver que todo lo que me rodeaba me estaba invitando a crecer.” Charlie Chaplin
“In this process of beginning to love myself, I stopped craving a different life and I could see everything that was around me and was inviting me to grow.”

22. “Brilla sin importar lo que cueste, a la oscuridad le asusta el amor propio.”
“Shine without caring what it costs, because self-love scares darkness.”
Related: 67+ Love Quotes in Spanish to Share With your Amor
23. “Si comienzas a entender lo que eres sin intentar cambiarlo, lo que eres se somete a una transformación.” Jiddu Krishnamurti
“If you begin to understand what you are without trying to change it, who you are will transform.”
24. “Eres muy poderoso, siempre y cuando sepas lo poderoso que eres.” Yogi Bhajan
“You are very powerful. Always and whenever you know just how powerful you are.”

25. “El día que decidas que tú vales más que todo lo que te derrumba, ese día te coronarás ganadora.”
“The day that you decide that you are worth more than everything that is weighing you down, that is the day you will be crowned a winner.”
26. “Me tomó mucho tiempo aprender a no juzgarme a mí misma a través de los ojos de otro.” Sally Field
“It took me a long time to learn how to not judge myself through the eyes of others.”
27. “Necesitas amarte para amar, respetarte para respetar, valorarte para valorar, aceptarte para aceptar. Recuerda, nadie puede dar lo que no tiene.”
“You need to love yourself to love, respect yourself to respect, value yourself to value, accept yourself to accept. Remember, nobody can give what they don’t have.”
Related: 85+ Spanish Quotes About Life with English Translation to Reflect Upon
28. “Aprendí que las caídas eran lecciones y que las inseguridades podían ser mi mejor arma.”
“I learned that falls were lessons and that insecurities could be my best weapon.”

29. “Tu tiempo es demasiado valioso como para malgastarlo en personas que no pueden aceptar lo que eres.” Turcois Ominek
“Your time is too precious to waste it on people that don’t accept who you are.”
30. “La religión de todas las personas debería ser la de creer en sí mismos.” Jiddu Krishnamurti
“ Every person’s religion should be that of believing in themselves.”

31. “La persona más influenciable con la que hablarás todo el día eres tú. Ten cuidado entonces con lo que te dices a ti mismo.” Zig Ziglar
“The most influential person that you will talk to all day long is yourself. So be careful what you say to yourself.”
32. “Aceptarnos tal y como somos significa valorar nuestras imperfecciones tanto como nuestras perfecciones.” Sandra Bierig.
“ Accepting ourselves just as we are means valuing our imperfections just as much as our perfections.”
33. “Empieza a llenarte de amor propio y dejar de rogar atención en los demás. Verás como todo fluirá bien en tu vida.”
“Begin to fill yourself with self-love and stop begging for attention from others. You will see just how well everything flows in your life.”
34. “Y empecé a liberarme de todo lo que no era saludable: situaciones, personas, gustos y cosas. Lo llamaron egoísmo. Yo lo llamé amor propio.”
“ And I began to free myself from everything that wasn’t healthy: situations, people, likes and things. Some call it selfishness, I call it self-love.”

35. “No puedes ser alegre con una sensación de autodesprecio.” Ram Dass.
“You can’t be happy with feelings of self-hate.”
Related: 40 Printable Positive Affirmations in Spanish To Boost Your Child’s Self-Esteem
36. “Pienso que todo el mundo es raro. Todos deberíamos celebrar nuestra individualidad y no estar avergonzados de ello.” Johnny Depp
“I think that the whole world is weird. We should all celebrate our individuality and stop being ashamed of it.”
37. “Tú mismo, tanto como cualquier otro ser en el universo entero, mereces tu propio amor y afecto.” Buda
“You, just like every other human being in the whole universe, deserves self-love and affection.”
38. “He recorrido un largo camino hasta estar donde estoy y tengo que valorarme por ello.”
I have traveled a long way to be where I am and I have to respect myself for that.”
39. “Quién mira afuera, sueña: quién mira adentro, despierta.” Carl Gustav Jung
“He who looks outside, dreams: He who looks inside, wakes up.’
40. “No dudes de ti mismo, para eso están los que odian.” Turcois Ominek
“Don’t doubt yourself, that’s what those who hate you are for.”
41. “Dile al mundo que eres una creación única, que vino a experimentar maravillas y esparcir la felicidad.” Victoria Moran.
“Tell the world that you are a unique creation that came to experience wonders and spread happiness.”
42. “No conquistamos a la montaña, sino a nosotros mismos.” Edmund Hillary.
“We do not conquer the mountain, but rather ourselves.”
43. “No dependas de alguien más para ser feliz y para valorarte. Sólo tú puedes ser responsable de eso. Si no puedes quererte y respetarte a ti mismo, nadie podrá hacer que eso ocurra.” Stacey Charter
“Don’t depend on someone else to be happy and appreciate you. Only you can be responsible for that. If you cannot love and respect yourself, no one else can make that happen.”
44. “La falta de amor propio alimenta tus miedos; por eso no tienes que intentar ser más valiente, sino quererte más.”
“Lack of self-love feeds your fears: that’s why you don’t need to try and be braver, but rather learn how to love yourself more.”

45. “El amor propio tiene muy poco que ver con cómo te sientes con tu apariencia. Se trata de aceptar todo de ti mismo.” Tyra Banks
“Self-love has very little to do with how you feel about your appearance. It’s about accepting all of yourself.”
46. “La baja autoestima es como conducir por la vida con las manos atadas.” Maxwell Maltz.
“Love self-esteem is like driving through life with your hands tied.”
47. “Atrévete a amarte a ti mismo como si fueses un arcoíris con oro en ambos extremos.” -Aberjhani.
“Dare yourself to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold on both ends.”

48. “El amor propio no es el proceso de pasar por alto tus defectos. El amor propio es expandir tu conciencia para incluir tus defectos y tus puntos fuertes.” Vironika Tugaleva
“Self-love is not the process of rising about your defects. Self-love is expanding your conscience to include your defects and your strong points.”
49. “Hay cierto arte en aprender a amarse y no morir en el intento.”
“There is a certain art in learning how to love yourself and not dying in the attempt.”
50. “Somos estrellas envueltas en piel, así que la luz que siempre has buscado está dentro de ti.”
“We are stars wrapped in skin, therefore the light that you have always been looking for is within yourself.”
51. “El premio de la conformidad es que todo a todo el mundo le gustas menos a ti mismo.”
“The prize of conformity is when everyone likes you except yourself.”
Related: 40 Gratitude Quotes in Spanish
52. “Nunca bajes la cabeza. Sostenla en alto siempre. Mira el mundo directamente a la cara.” Helen Keller.
“Never lower your head. Keep it high always. Look at the world directly in the face.”
53. “Demasiadas personas sobrevaloran lo que no son y subestiman lo que son.” Malcolm S. Forbes
“Many people overrate what they are not and underrate that what they are.”

54. “Tienes derecho a expresar tus sentimientos; nadie sana una herida con silencio absoluto.”
“You have the right to express your feelings; no one cures a wound with absolute silence.”
55. “Querer ser alguien más es malgastar la persona que eres.” Marilyn Monroe
“Wanting to be someone else is wasting the person that you are.”
56. “En realidad son nuestras decisiones las que determinan lo que podemos llegar a ser, mucho más que nuestras propias habilidades.”
“In all reality, our decisions are what determine what we can become, much more than our own skills.”
57. “El amor propio comienza y termina con el diálogo que tenemos con nosotros mismos.”Kathryn Eisman
“Self-love begins and ends with the dialogue that we have with ourselves.”
58. “Las personas que se aman a sí mismas no hieren a otras personas. Mientras más nos odiamos, más queremos que los demás sufran.” Dan Pearce
“ People that love themselves do not hurt other people. The more we hate the more we want other people to suffer.”
59. “Ama a tu vecino, sí. Pero ámate a ti mismo primero.” Solange Nicole
“Love your neighbor, yes. But love yourself first.”
60. “Mientras tú sepas quien eres, no hay nada que demostrar.”
“While you know who you are, you have nothing to show.”

61. “Tienes el poder de sanar tu vida y debes saberlo. Pensamos a menudo que estamos solos, pero no lo estamos. Siempre tenemos el poder de nuestras mentes. Reclama y usa tu poder con conciencia.” Louise L. Hay
“You have the power to heal your life and you should know it. We sometimes think that we are alone, but we aren’t. We always have the power of our minds. Claim and use your power consciously.”
62. “Me gusto a mí mismo cuando soy yo mismo.” Nayyirah Waheed.
“I like myself when I am myself.”
63. “Celebra quién eres en lo más profundo de tu corazón. Ámate a ti mismo y el mundo te amará.” Amy Leigh Mercree
Celebrate who you are from deep within your heart. Love yourself and the world will love you.”
64. “Si no ves tu propio valor, elegirás a personas que tampoco lo ven.” Mandy Hale
“If you don’t see your own self-worth, you will choose people that also do not see it.”
64. “La persona que no se valora a sí mismo, no puede valorar nada ni a nadie.” Ayn Rand
“A person that does not value themself, cannot value anything or anyone.”
65. “Te has estado criticando durante años y no ha funcionado. Intenta aceptarte y observa qué ocurre.” Louise L. Hay
“You have been criticizing yourself for years and that hasn’t worked. Try accepting yourself and you will see what happens.”
66. “Hablar bien también se aplica a cuando hablas contigo mismo. -Victoria Moran.”
“Speaking well is also applied when you talk to yourself.”
67. “Hoy solo tengo ganas de estar conmigo, para quererme como nadie me ha querido.”
“Today I only want to be with myself, to love myself like no one has ever loved me.
68. “Soy mi propia plantita, por eso cuido lo que me digo, y me riego todos los días con ánimo y buenas vibras.”
“ I am my own little plant, that’s why I take care of what I say to myself and I water myself every take with spirit and good vibes.”

69. “Uno de los mayores remordimientos en la vida es ser lo que otros querrían que fueras, en lugar de ser tú mismo.” Shannon L. Alder
“One of my biggest regrets in life is being what other people wanted you to be instead of being yourself.”
70. “Aprendí a aceptarme, porque no soy solo fantástica, cualquiera tendría suerte de estar a mi lado.”
“I learned how to accept myself, not only because I am fantastic, but anyone would be lucky to be by my side.”
71. “Estoy enamorada del arte de conocerme a mí misma.” Minaa B
“ I am in love with the art of getting to know myself.

72. “La confianza en uno mismo es el primer secreto del éxito.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Trust in one’s self is the first secret of success.”
73. “Piensa como una reina. Una reina no tiene miedo a fracasar. El fracaso es otro peldaño hacia la grandeza.”
“Think like a queen. A queen that is not scared to fail. Failure is just another step towards greatness.”
74. “A partir de hoy, cuídate como siempre has merecido.”
From now on, take care of yourself as you have always deserved.”
75. “Cómo te amas a ti mismo es cómo enseñas a otros a amarte.” Rupi Kaur
“The way that you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.”

76. “El crecimiento comienza cuando comenzamos a aceptar nuestras propias debilidades.” Jean Vanier’
“Growth begins when we begin to accept our own weaknesses.”
77. “No es la montaña lo que conquistamos, sino que nos conquistamos a nosotros mismos.”
“It is not the mountain that we conquer, but rather we conquer ourselves.”
78. “Permítete a ti mismo disfrutar de cada momento feliz en tu vida.” Steve Maraboli.
“Allow yourself to enjoy each happy moment in your life.”
79. “Quien aprende a amarse en la soledad jamás dependerá de nadie para ser feliz.”
“He who learns to love himself in solitude will never depend on anyone to be happy.”

80. “Ya no dejo pasar mis defectos, ahora me pongo a trabajar en ellos para crecer y ser mejor persona.”
“I no longer allow my defects to pass, now I work on them to grow and be a better person.”
Short Self-love quotes in Spanish
81. “Eres magia en un mundo ordinario.”
“You are magic in an ordinary world.”
82. “Enamórate de tu existencia.”
“Fall in love with your existence.”
83. “Quererte a ti mismo es revolucionario.”
“Loving yourself is revolutionary.”
84. Yo soy mi mejor compañía.
“I am my best company.”
85. “Cree en ti y todo será posible.”
“Believe in yourself and everything will be possible.”
Related: 40+ Family Quotes in Spanish
86. “Ningún amor puede reemplazar tu amor propio.”
“NO love can replace your self-love.”
87. “Yo me quiero.”
“I love myself.”
88. “Riégate de amor propio y verás qué bonito floreces.”
“Water yourself with self-love and you will see just how beautiful you will bloom.”
89. “Soy la energía que quiero atraer.”
“I am the energy that I want to attract.”
90. “Soy más que mis cicatrices.” Andrew Davidson
“I am more than my scars.”
91. “Confía en ti, y sabrás como vivir.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Believe in yourself and you will know how to live.”
92. “Date el amor que nunca recibiste.”
“Give yourself the love that you never received.”
93. “Sé fiel a lo que existe dentro de ti. “ André Gide.
“Be faithful to all of that that exists within you.”
94. “Enamórate de ti misma.”
“Fall in love with yourself.”
95. “Nunca le seas infiel a tu amor propio.”
“Never be unfaithful to your own self-love.”
96. “Sé tu propia razón para sonreír.”
“Be your own reason to smile.”
97. “Es importante que sepas cuán espectacular eres.” Steve Maraboli.
“It is important that you know just how spectacular you are.”
98. “Sin amor propio es difícil ser feliz y prosperar.”
“Without self-love it is difficult to be happy and thrive..”
99. “Todo lo que necesito está en mi.”
“ Everything I need is in me.”
100. “Qué guapa estás desde que te quieres tanto.“
“How beautiful you are since you started loving yourself.”
Well, amigos, I hope you found a self-love quote in Spanish that boosted your mood and reminded you of just how much you should love yourself, every minute and every hour of every day. Make sure you share the images in this post to encourage self-love in your friends and family!
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