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7 Awesome Books in Spanish for Babies and Toddlers

In this post you can find seven books in Spanish for babies and toddlers. These are great books to add to your bilingual library!

In our household, we only speak our minority language, Spanish at home!

As a nonnative speaker of Spanish myself, book are super helpful when it comes to explaining things I might just not be able to explain to my son in our target language.

We have tons of books that were given to us in English. I try my best to translate them on the spot or make something up as we read along with the pages. Needless to say, this gets very exhausting.

That’s why I prefer to read to my son using our small, but growing, book collection in Spanish as much as I can. It helps me practice my Spanish, and I don’t have to force a translation.

I wanted to share some of our favorite books in Spanish because not only is it beneficial for your child to practice another language at such a young age, but it is also extremely beneficial for you, mom, dad or caretaker, as you can learn right alongside them.

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Seven Books in Spanish for babies and toddlers

1.    Primeras Cien Palabras

My First 100 Words

Lennox was given this books at his baby shower, and it grew to be one of his favorites from when he was a few months old. He still enjoys bringing it out, and he points out all of the items in Spanish. His favorites are carro and pato

Read more: A Cars Color Learning Activity in Spanish for Bilingual Children (Free Printable)

Sometimes I gather household items and/or toys that relate to the items in the book and we play a matching game with the images found in the book.

One of my favorite things about this book is that it doesn’t require much reading, but rather exploring. It’s also bilingual, so it’s an excellent resource for parents who also wan to learn Spanish.

Hands down, the two best ways I have learned Spanish over the years is through children’s books in Spanish and Latin music. You’ve got this!!

Read more: Learn Spanish Through Music With These Artists

2.  ¿Eres mi mamá? 

Are You My Mother?

Who didn’t love this book growing up? I know I did, and now as a mama myself, I relearned it in a new language!

This version found on Amazon is perfect for babies and toddlers. It is a shortened version with a board hardcover. It is also smaller so your baby or toddler can carry it comfortable in their own hands.

Once your child gets older, you can grab the bilingual edition recommended for children ages 6-9.

For more animal books, check out these zoo animal books in Spanish!

3.   Dios te bendiga y buenas noches

Translation: God Bless You and Goodnight.

I would have to say this is Lennox’s favorite book. The pictures are so vibrant, and the words have a beautiful rhyme.

I haven’t come across many Spanish books with a good rhyme, but this one is perfect. We even made a bedtime song out the words. Maybe one day I’ll embarrass myself and publish a YouTube video of us performing it. ha!

4. ¡ Qué cosas dice mi abuela!

Translation: Things That My Grandma Says

This book reminds me so much of Lennox’s abuela and all of her beautiful wisdom. It’s about what Abuela says and offers popular idioms in Spanish.

One of my favorite idioms is, “—El hablar bien poco cuesta. Tan importante es saber hablar como saber callar y escuchar.” My translation: —Talking is easy. Talking is important, but even more important is knowing how to be quiet and listen”.

The pictures are also very eye-catching and entertain Lennox’s attention span for quite a bit of time.

This book is a little more advanced. I would say more for preschool or even elementary school, but if you have a younger child, you could paraphrase what is being said, or make up a story of your own!

5. La oruga muy hambrienta

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

I unfortunately bought this version in English before I realized there was a Spanish version, and I don’t see the point of having two; however, I am sure it is just as great of a read in Spanish.

One of our favorite ways to read this book is to point out the oruguita .

Then, as we flip through each page and I sing to Lennox “¿Dónde está la oruguita?”

He responds by saying in his adorable toddler voice “ahí tá “ (There it is).”

6. Siempre te querré

Love You Forever

This book was one of my childhood favorites. I remember laughing at the little boy for unrolling the toilet paper, and now Lennox does the same. It is such a sweet story.

I turned the repetitive phrase in the book into a song that I sing to Lennox everynight before I kiss him and send him off into dreamland. 

“Para siempre te amaré, 
Para siempre te querré,
Mientras en mi haya vida, 
Siempre serás mi bebé”

“I’ll love you forever, 
I’ll like you for always,
As long as I’m living, 
My baby you’ll be”

7.  La pequeña locomotor que sí pudo

The Little Engine That Could

Lennox is obsessed with carros and choo choos right now. On our last trip to Barnes & Nobles, he picked out this boo. Does it look familiar? The Little Engine That Could. You were right!! Pat on the back!  

I think I can, or pensé que sí podia, pensé que sí podía. Yes, you can! You can read to your child in Spanish. It will be an educational and bonding time for you and your baby!!

I hope you enjoyed Lennox’s seven favorite Spanish books thus far. We will be sharing more favorites shortly so stay tuned, and subscribe below to be the first to find out! I hope your babes enjoy these books because we sure have!

Check out some of our other thematic selections of books in Spanish below


Monday 5th of August 2019

This post is great! I just ordered two of these books. Being able to speak more than one laungage can do so much for people. Plus teaching them at a young age is much easier then when they get older.

Laurin Ruprecht

Tuesday 13th of August 2019

That's awesome. I hope you enjoy them! I love being able to read to Lennox in his first language!


Sunday 4th of August 2019

My middle kiddo is learning some Spanish at preschool, so I love this list... He's always asking me to look up more words for him, so I know checking out some of his favorite books in Spanish would be really fun for him!

Laurin Ruprecht

Tuesday 13th of August 2019

That is awesome! I am going to be posting some seasonal and holiday posts which will include Spanish vocabulary and fun ways to learn them. Stay tuned!


Sunday 4th of August 2019

Awwww these books bring back memories! I loved reading Are You My Mama growing up!

Laurin Ruprecht

Tuesday 13th of August 2019

Me too! I love being able to read it in a different language now that I am teaching Lennox Spanish first.


Friday 7th of June 2019

These books are wonderful, we love books too. It's nice to see them in another language, we only speak English at this point, but I'm hoping to learn Italian some day!

Laurin Ruprecht

Friday 21st of June 2019

That would be amazing! I speak a little bit of Italian and would love to find some italian books for children. If I come across any i'll let you know!


Sunday 2nd of June 2019

I love this as I'm a bilingual mom myself! (French) Your son is adorable!

Laurin Ruprecht

Sunday 2nd of June 2019

Aww thank you so much, Mallaury. I have tried to self-teach myself French, but it is so difficult!!!!