Get ready to immerse yourself in the holiday spirit with over 130+ Thanksgiving Spanish words.
Whether you’re aiming to enrich your Spanish vocabulary this Thanksgiving or seeking inspiration for your Spanish classroom or bilingual homeschool curriculum, this comprehensive list of Spanish Thanksgiving words is your ultimate resource.
Within these words, you’ll discover delightful food-related terms, essential verbs that capture the essence of Thanksgiving, and seasonal vocabulary that embodies the festive cheer of the holiday.
After you’ve explored this extensive compilation of 130+ Thanksgiving Spanish words, don’t miss the opportunity to explore some enjoyable holiday activities in Spanish. These activities are perfect for integrating into your classroom celebrations or home parties during the holiday season. There’s even a Thanksgiving placemat designed to keep their busy fingers engaged at the Thanksgiving table!
Happy browsing. ¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!

How to say Happy Thanksgiving in Spanish
To express “Happy Thanksgiving” in Spanish, you would say “Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias.”
- “Feliz” means “Happy.”
- “Día” means “Day.”
- “de Acción de Gracias” translates to “of Thanksgiving.”
Another way to wish someone a happy Thanksgiving in Spanish is by saying “Feliz Día del Pavo.” This phrase directly translates to “Happy Turkey Day,” reflecting the central role that the turkey plays in the Thanksgiving feast. It’s a more casual and playful way to convey your holiday greetings to friends and family.

Related: 40 Gratitude Quotes in Spanish
Thanksgiving Spanish Words
Now that you are familiarized with saying Happy Thanksgiving in Spanish, let’s take a look at the following Spanish vocabulary words so that we can boost your vocabulary today!
Spanish | English |
Agradecer | To thank |
Agradecido/a | Thankful |
Agradecimiento | Gratitude |
Almendras | Almonds |
Amerindios | Native American Indians |
Arándanos | Cranberries |
Banquete | Feast |
Batata | Sweet Potato |
Batata | Sweet potato |

Calabaza | Gourd |
Celebración | Celebration |
Cereza | Cherry |
Cesta de cosecha | Harvest basket |
Cidra | Cider |
Colonia | Colony |
Colonizador | Settler |
Comida | Food |

Compartir | To share |
Compota de manzana | Apple Sauce |
Cuchara | Spoon |
Cuchillo | Knife |
Cuerno de la abundancia | Horn of plenty |
Desfile | Parade |
Día de Acción de Gracias | Thanksgiving Day |
Espantapájaros | Scarecrow |
Familia | Family |
Festival | Festival |
Frijoles | Beans |
Fútbol americano | Football |
Gratitud | Gratefulness |

Guarniciones | Side dishes |
Hoja | Leaf |
Hornear | To bake |
Indígena | native |
Las gracias | Thanks |
Maíz | Corn |
Manzana | Apple |
Mazorca | Ear of corn |
Mermelada de arándanos | Cranberry Jam |
Mesa | Table |
Olla | Pot |
Otoño | Autumn |
Pan | Bread |
Pastel de calabaza | Pumpkin pie |

Pasteles | Pies |
Pavo | Turkey |
Peregrinos | Pilgrims |
Platos | Dishes |
Platos principales | Main dishes |
Puré de papas | Mashed potatoes |
Relleno | Stuffing |
Reunión | Gathering |
Romero | Rosemary |
Salsa de arándanos | Cranberry sauce |
Salsa de carne | Gracy |
Sazón | seasoning |
Servilletas | Napkins |
Silla | Chair |
Sobremesa | After-dinner conversation |
Tenedor | Fork |
Tradición | Tradition |

Tradicional | Traditional |
tratado | treaty |
tribu | Tribe |
Utensilios | Utensils |
Uvas pasas | Raisins |
Vainilla | Vanilla |
Vela | Candle |
Vino tinto | Red wine |
Yame | Yam |
Explore thESE Thanksgiving Words in Fun Family Activities
Thanksgiving is a time for family, gratitude, and celebration. Why not add some cultural flair to your festivities by incorporating Spanish language and traditions into your holiday activities.
Check out a few of our free and paid printables and Spanish resources below:
Thanksgiving Picture Books in Spanish:
- Introduce young learners to the joy of Thanksgiving with picture books in Spanish. Use the vocabulary to describe the characters, settings, and actions in the story. Encourage kids to point out and repeat the Thanksgiving words they encounter in the book.
Color by Number Thanksgiving Pages in Spanish:
- As children color in the Thanksgiving-themed images, you can engage them by using Spanish color names (“rojo” for red, “amarillo” for yellow) and the words related to the images they’re coloring (“pavo,” “calabaza,” etc.)
Patterns and Sequences with “Patrón de Pavos” Activity:
- Utilize the “Patrón de Pavos” activity to teach patterns and sequences. Incorporate the Thanksgiving words as you guide students through creating patterns with turkeys of different colors and sizes. For example, “pavo amarillo, pavo rojo, pavo amarillo, pavo rojo” can create a simple AB pattern.
Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt in Spanish:
- Organize a scavenger hunt with Thanksgiving-related items around your home or classroom. Provide clues using Spanish phrases, incorporating the vocabulary. For instance, “Busca algo que es de color naranja y se come en Thanksgiving” (Look for something that is orange and eaten on Thanksgiving). This is such a fun way to get vocabulary words to stick!
Thanksgiving I Spy Printables in Spanish
- These printable activities present a festive twist on the classic game of “I Spy,” inviting participants to search for and identify Thanksgiving-themed objects in a visually captivating setting. From pumpkins and turkeys to cornucopias and autumn leaves, each printable offers a delightful challenge for all ages
Thanksgiving Placemat in Spanish:
- Find these Thanksgiving Spanish words in a fun and engaging Thanksgiving placemat that you can bring to the dinner table to entertain the children.
Thanksgiving Word Search in Spanish:
- Do a fun word search puzzle to find 15 Thanksgiving words in Spanish.
Thanksgiving Word Scramble in Spanish
- Challenge your language skills as you unscramble words related to the holiday in this fun and educational activity.
Thanksgiving Dot-to-Dot Worksheets in Spanish
Combine learning with fun! Perfect for kids to practice numbers and explore the holiday season. Add language skills while connecting the dots and coloring. Get yours today!
Make Thanksgiving word wall in your Spanish class
- Word walls are a great way to help students learn new vocabulary words related to the holiday. By displaying the Spanish terms and common words in a prominent location in the classroom, students can easily refer to them when writing or speaking about Thanksgiving. The word wall can also serve as a visual reminder of the cultural diversity and traditions associated with the holiday.
These activities not only make language learning engaging but also provide opportunities for cultural enrichment and creative expression. Incorporating Thanksgiving-related Spanish words into these activities can help learners of all ages connect with the holiday’s spirit in a fun and educational way.
Well, amigos and amigas, I hope this post has helped you boost your Spanish skills a little more. Don’t forget to check out some more Spanish word lists below:
- Unlock La Magic: Discover 70+ Halloween Spanish Words & Phrases
- A list of 200+ Spanish Words That Start With H
- A List of 250 + Spanish Words That Start With O
- A List of 300 + Spanish Words That Start With the Letter V